The Dungeons

August 19th, 2009

02:45 pm - [info]persuade_me - Owl Post: "Pansy Parkinson"

Dear Miss Parkinson,

Naturally you are back from the (not presumed but very materially witnessed) dead. Why not? It's quite the thing this decade. I keep expecting the fashion to pass but, then again, classics come from somewhere, don't they, and you always were in favour of the stylish rather than the ephemerally popular.

Do you let me know when Millicent shows up as well. We will have quite the revenant celebration. A dead Slytherin reunion.


02:46 pm - [info]persuade_me - Filtered post: Blaise Zabini, Gregory Goyle

Honestly, I have had quite enough. With all the resources at our collective disposal is there truly nothing we can do about this taunting of our House?

I've received another letter from the claiming-to-be Pansy. This one is even more teasing, and I can see the looming promise of a letter from a claiming-to-be Millicent Bulstrode as well. They should have started with Millicent, really, because who would believe anyone would pretend to be Millicent? I suppose they didn't think the voice could be duplicated, even in a letter.

I know neither of you see this as quite the affront that I do but I want you to help me nonetheless. I propose an entrapment and exposure of the tricksters. Perhaps with media coverage - Callous Wizards Exploit War Dead - or, I suppose, something even more terse, I never have quite had a headline grasp of things.

Will you help?

03:37 pm - [info]sempre_libera - Owl Post: Draco Malfoy

And you accuse me of poor taste.


06:54 pm - [info]sempre_libera - A Conversation at the Zoo

*waves* Hi there!

They told me I could find you near the Kneazle Pit.
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