Fri, Apr. 24th, 2009, 12:02 pm
[info]bethbethbeth: FIC: "Persuasion" for ria_awesome

Recipient: [info]arcadian_dream
Author: [info]lee_west / [info]westwardlee
Title: Persuasion
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Barty Crouch Jr./Rabastan Lestrange
Word Count: ~3,300
Warnings: Dark, with torture. There are wee kisses between young boys, but nothing explicit until they are eighteen and older.
Summary: Barty Sr. had high expectations for his only son, a boy with extraordinary intellect and high morals: a career in the Ministry, a happy marriage to a nice witch, a few children with the same rectitude and intelligence. Fate had other plans.
Author's Notes: Many thanks to my beta. [info]arcadian_dream, thanks for listing the two boys; I've always been intrigued about Barty Jr.'s motives in joining the Death Eaters, and I really enjoyed writing this tale.

Persuasion )