Thu, May. 8th, 2014, 12:31 pm
[info]atdelphi: FIC: "Cat Ladies" for the HP Beholder Community

Recipient: The [info]hp_beholder Community
Author/Artist: ???
Title: Cat Ladies
Rating: PG for language and adult concepts
Pairings: Arabella Figg/Dolores Umbridge
Word Count: 2300
Medium: Fic
Warnings/Content Information (Highlight to View): Passing mention of sexual assault
Summary: Two lonely women with feline friends, separated by everything they think they know about each other.
Author's/Artist's Notes: Thanks to everyone keeping Beholder alive and vibrant--watchers, participants, and especially our moderator Delphi. Thanks to S for help with the story.

Cat Ladies )

Sun, Apr. 20th, 2014, 02:04 pm
[info]atdelphi: FIC "By Theft or Force" for _hannelore

Recipient: [info]_hannelore
Author/Artist: ???
Title: By Theft or Force
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Dolores Umbridge/Arabella Figg
Word Count: 7000
Medium: Fic
Warnings/Content Information (Highlight to View): Dolores Umbridge and all that it entails, i.e. *dub-con, implied use of date-rape drugs, manipulation, incredibly twee and sickening dirty talk*.
Summary: The Muggle-born Registration Commission has decreed that magical powers stolen by Muggle-borns are to be retrieved and distributed among Squibs. Arabella finds herself on top of the list.
Author's/Artist's Notes: I hope you don’t mind the lack of romance, Hannelore! I did include the cats, though, to balance out the unpleasantness. I also must apologise for the language, it is unbearably cutesy. Dolores has infected my brain.

By Theft or Force )

Fri, Apr. 26th, 2013, 06:12 am
[info]atdelphi: FIC: "Days of Cats and Cabbages" for gryffindorj

Recipient: gryffindorj
Author/Artist: ???
Title: Days of Cats and Cabbages
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Sirius Black/Arabella Figg
Word Count: 4,257
Medium: fiction
Warnings/Content Information (Highlight to View):  *none*.
Summary: When Sirius and Buckbeak escaped from Hogwarts, Sirius didn't know where to turn.
Author's/Artist's Notes: Many thanks to L for the fabulous beta, and to I for the spotcheck. gryffindorj, I tried to fit in several of your favorite things. I hope you enjoy.

Days of Cats and Cabbages )

Fri, Apr. 27th, 2012, 01:18 pm
[info]bethbethbeth: FIC: "Steady As She Goes" for shadowycat

Recipient: [info]shadowycat
Author: ???
Title: Steady As She Goes
Rating: R
Characters: Arabella Figg/Snape, various Order members, some OCs
Word Count: 29,400
Warnings: h/c, UST, first time, solo-sex, oral, massage (all fairly vanilla)
Summary: Arabella was in a tight spot when she accepted Dumbledore's offer of help... and then life got interesting.
Author's Notes: Thanks to my speedy betas. Mostly book canon used, though some personal fanon might have slipped in there. Note that canonically (or at least per the HP Lexicon), it is believed that Elfrida Cragg was a typo in the book and that in OoTP, the portrait was supposed to be of Elfrida Clagg. I declare writer's privilege to hereby create a new character whom you shall meet anon. Happy Beholding, shadowycat!

Steady As She Goes

(Don't forget to return to this page to leave feedback for the author!)

Sun, May. 9th, 2010, 12:54 pm
[info]bethbethbeth: FIC: "The News Today (Morning Edition) for cat_goddess

Recipient: [info]cat_goddess
Author/Artist: [info]mindabbles
Title: The News Today (Morning Edition)
Rating: PG-13/light R
Pairings: Molly Weasley/Arthur Weasley, Minerva McGonagall/Arabella Figg, Augusta Longbottom/Alastor Moody
Word Count: 6,900
Summary: Tell it as you see it. Expose the bastards for what they are and if everyone, on every side, hates you, you are probably doing a fine job.
Author's/Artist's Notes: Thank you to [info]bethbethbeth for running this fabulous fest. Thank you to [info]cat_goddess for her wonderful request. I really hope you enjoy it. Hugs and kisses to my fantastic and speedy beta, elizassecret.

The News Today (Morning Edition) )

Thu, Apr. 29th, 2010, 01:03 pm
[info]bethbethbeth: FIC: "The Dog's Days of Summer" for florahart

Recipient: Flora Hart
Author/Artist: [info]donnaimmaculata
Title: The Dog's Days of Summer
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Aunt Muriel/Griphook, Arabella Figg/Arthur Weasley
Word Count: 11,800
Warnings: explicit goblin sex
Summary: After Voldemort is gone, the wizarding society must re-establish its ties with the goblins, and Arthur must regain his equilibrium in a world without Molly.
Author's/Artist's Notes: Flora, you asked for: Arthur without Molly, coping with a split-up caused by loss and pain, after the war, and you asked for Griphook and an exploration of the question what constitutes sexiness for goblins. I loved both ideas so much that I ended up writing them both. So here you are.

Click here to read 'The Dog's Days of Summer,' then return to this entry to comment!

Tue, May. 5th, 2009, 12:00 pm
[info]bethbethbeth: FIC: "The Caretaker and the Cat Lady" for donnaimmaculata

Recipient: [info]donnaimmaculata
Author: [info]eeyore9990
Title: The Caretaker and the Cat Lady
Rating: PG
Pairings: Argus Filch/Arabella Figg
Word Count: ~3300
Warnings: None
Summary: After giving testimony at young Harry's trial, Arabella goes to the Leaky for a bit of something to soothe her nerves. There, she meets a man who does nothing but unsettle them.
Author's Notes: As I was looking through your list of preferred characters, this pairing leapt off the screen at me. I've never seen the pairing before, nor even any fic featuring Mrs Figg, and the idea of these two cat-loving Squibs finding each other utterly charmed me. I do hope you enjoy your fic as much as I enjoyed writing it, [info]donnaimmaculata.

Beta read by the incomparable A.

The Caretaker and the Cat Lady )