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HP April Fools Fest

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April Fools, [info]kabal42! [Apr. 26th, 2009|09:48 pm]

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Title: Study in Red
Recipient: [info]kabal42
Author/Artist: [info]deborak
Pairings/Characters: Luna/Ginny
Rating: R
Warnings/Kinks: NWS, Nudity
Word Count or Medium: pencil, Photoshop
Summary: (Prompt) Luna after the war, living as an artist with a following in both Muggle and Wizarding world. Relationship with Ginny.
Author/Artist's Notes: Figures were sketched in pencil, then scanned and colored in Photoshop. The background of the scene was created in Photoshop using stock art and effects.

Dip the Brush )
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