House M.D. Fanfiction - August 24th, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
House, M.D. Fanfiction

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August 24th, 2007

FIC: Brass (House, House/Wilson, NC-17) [Aug. 24th, 2007|04:50 pm]
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[Current Location |sitting at a table]
[Current Mood |accomplished]
[iPod |Green Day - Wake Me Up When September Ends]

Title: Brass
Fandom: House, M.D.
Pairing/Rating: House/Wilson, NC-17.
Length: 11 000 words.
Spoilers: Season two.
Author's Notes: This story is set in the same 'verse as Percussion, an AU where Foreman comes to Princeton-Plainsboro to work in the Neurology department, but it is a stand-alone. Part one is set post-infarction; part two assumes an established House/Foreman relationship. Many thanks to [info]leiascully and [info]thedeadparrot, who are awesome sounding boards and even better betas, and to [info]troutkitty and [info]daemonluna, who eagerly read my drafts. I made a fanmix to go with this story, and the download link as well as the covers and notes are here.

Summary: "Foreman never got the whole story, just edges. But House isn't the only one who can diagnose people the same way he does diseases. Foreman saw it in Wilson's discomfort when Foreman had asked if he was with House, in his strange smile when he'd spoken of earning House's respect. The rest of it is easy to imagine..."

Brass )
link2 diagnoses|diagnose

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