House M.D. Fanfiction - August 13th, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
House, M.D. Fanfiction

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August 13th, 2007

Chain of Fools [House, Chase, post-Season 3] [Aug. 13th, 2007|07:35 pm]
[Current Location |Home]
[Current Mood |anxious]
[iPod |Do As Infinity - Summer Days]

TITLE: Chain of Fools
GENRE: General
LENGTH: One-shot
SPOILERS: Season 3 finale
SUMMARY: House and Chase talk. It's not exactly a cozy fireside chat.
NOTES: My only other House!fic. I'm more nervous about this one than the Foreman letter, 'cos I'm unsure that this sounds right (voices, mood, etc.). Thus, vicious con crit with teeth and claws will be very much appreciated. :D

Now, you're going to listen to me and add pithy comments in the appropriate places. )

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