House M.D. Fanfiction - August 8th, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
House, M.D. Fanfiction

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August 8th, 2007

2 House/Chase fics (both complete) PG-13/light R-ish [Aug. 8th, 2007|08:44 pm]

I have two House/Chase fics here at my IJ account.

Forgive & Forget (1/1)
PG-13/R (mentions of sex, not explicit)
House/Chase, SPOILERS for the Season 3 finale.
"You want him, you've gotta take him. Jump him."


Piecemeal (1/1)
PG-13 (again with the non-explicit sex)
House/Chase, no spoilers as it exists at a time outside of canon, then veers off into AU-land.
House is tired of hookers.
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