House M.D. Fanfiction - August 1st, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
House, M.D. Fanfiction

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August 1st, 2007

FIC: Lazy (III) (House, House/Cuddy, NC-17) [Aug. 1st, 2007|08:24 am]
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[Current Location |sitting at the table]
[Current Mood |good]

Title: Lazy (III)
Fandom: House, M.D.
Pairing/Rating: House/Cuddy, NC-17
Length: 1600 words
Spoilers: 3.01, Meaning.
Author's Notes: Apparently Lazy is a series now. This option won my poll on the matter some time ago. Happy Smut Tuesday, the morning-after edition.

Summary: After the ketamine, it's all different.

Lazy (III) )
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FIC UPDATE: The Oncologist Trap (House/Wilson, PG, 4b/6) [Aug. 1st, 2007|03:15 pm]
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[Current Location |sitting at the table]
[Current Mood |busy]

Title: The Oncologist Trap, 4b/6
Fandom: House, M.D.
Pairing/Rating: House/Wilson, PG.
Length: 900 words, this part.
Spoilers: Post-ep for "Half-Wit", mentions of events up to "House Training".
Author's Notes: Okay, guys, after a hiatus for real life and writing a monster epic, we're back! Here's the end of part four. If you want to read the whole story (I know, it's been so long, my apologies), then you can see it with the story tag.

Summary: House subtly seduces Wilson. Somehow.

The Oncologist Trap, 4b/6 )
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