Hoodies: A Bandslash Haven

January 15th, 2008

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Hoodies: A Bandslash Haven


January 15th, 2008

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title With Bonus Pterodactyl
author: lisa roquin
fandom: MCR/Torchwood
rating crack, 15ish
pairing/characters: Mikey Way/Jack Harkness
disclaimer: lies, fiction, untrue. completely and totally made up. I know no one, know nothing of their personal lives. I make no claims of knowing much of anything. Nor are any copyrighted character's mine.
summary: There’s a list of things to do someday, Frank declared it covered all of them, including Matt because he was there when it was made. Visiting a Secret Underground Lair can now be checked off.
warning: if the header above this hasn’t scared you off, nothing will.
author notes: one for the don’t even ask files.
word count: 1701


title: Tracing
author: lisa roquin
rating: adult
fandom/pairing: MCR, Gerard/Frank
disclaimer: fake. not true. fiction.
notes: written for </a></b></a>[info]porn_battle prompt gerard way/frank iero, tattoos
wordcount: 331


bizarrely random icon mix
Colin Farrell x1
Harry Potter x4 (ron, hermione, 2 harry)
Karl Urban x3
Keira Knightley x2
My Chemical Romance x12
Panic at the Disco x3


title: Art of Codependency: Chicago
author: lisa roquin
rating: 15+/mature
fandom: Bandom-MCR
series/sequel: Art of Codependency
characters/pairings: past Bob/Kat, Frank/Jamia, Mikey/Alicia, (Bob/Gerard not quite there yet)
disclaimer: not real, ,know no one and nothing. pure. complete. fiction
summary: Bob is pretty sure he's doomed when he promises to let Frank take care of him while he's in Chicago dealing with the apartment and settling things with Kat. Then Gerard and Jamia decide Frank needs help in Bob-sitting and are in Chicago too.
wordcount: 14,300+

part 1 || part 2
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