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[31 Dec 2011|11:05am]

Deadly Party



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Friending Button
Now comes the time of the Originals. Everything you thought you knew about them is wrong. Klaus is running, still. With Stefan and his sister Rebekah at his side, he is in a hurry to find the answers as to why he can not make hybrids. Rebekah knows, she was with him the longest. They are being hunted. By their parents. The problem is, they aren't the only ones after him. Family he had no idea he had wants him. The answers they all need, and want, are still in Mystic Falls. Once again the supernatural world is colliding on the town again, and this time, no one will be left unaffected. It's going to be one Hell of a party.

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Recipe For Disaster [31 Dec 2011|12:24pm]

About Us
Already Created Species
Character Template

The year 3000 has arrived. Man has discovered the full vastness of space, and all of the many alien species that live within it. He is certainly not alone anymore. So what does he do?

Set up a fast food chain on an asteroid, of course!

Welcome to Astroburger, a fast food restaurant strapped to an asteroid. It orbits the galaxy, serving anyone from humans to man-eating Zorks. The workers who serve you with a smile are just as diverse -- if you're willing to work, they'll take you -- and not as happy as they seem. The workplace is never predictable, and drama of all kinds is always unfolding. And there are some who are trying to bring this "silly" restaurant down.</b> It will take everyone, regulars and workers, to keep it afloat.

Our roleplay isn't just about the food -- it's about the bonds people form through work, through food, and whatever else the galaxy throws their way.

Create your own alien species , immerse yourself in a friendly community, and watch out for the man-eating Zork -- he has quite a temper.

Join the madness today!

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[31 Dec 2011|08:40pm]


A cross between the movie and the show, our game takes place in the near future. Where nano technology is the newest weapon. Dr. Mindbender works with Cobra Commander using his nanites to ensure world domination. The Baroness' brother was killed and caused her journey to the Cobra Commander. For now, at least, the presidency is still safe. the team known only as GI Joe has two new members and is in a constant battle to stop Cobra Commander and his army from taking over the world.

So this is the world we live in and not everyone knows how dangerous it is. How close they are to losing all they know to a new force. It's time to take a stand, pick a side, before it picks you. Now you know what is really standing between us, and total domination.

Holds // Characters Wanted // Taken
Mod Journal // IC Journal // OOC Journal

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