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Homeless RPer Looking For A Medieval Fantasy environment [22 Dec 2011|06:47am]
So, I think what I am looking for a more.... I suppose JRPG type of environment(i.e. Grandia, Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky, Secret of Mana, or so). I suppose the overall tone of the place has potential for light-hearted play as well as serious.

Unfortunately, I am not keen on pan-fandom since they are so mixed up that it ruins the overall atmosphere.

Who am I? Just a wandering traveler seeking to explore the world. Or something like that.
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The Liquid World! [22 Dec 2011|05:03pm]


There will be death, pain, rebirth, torture, all manner of twisting of reality.


You are allowed a total of 5 characters at any one time.
Liquid Snake has returned from the Afterlife bigger and badder than ever with a new Machine to wreck havoc.
Having reunited with Ocelot, they have managed to get hold of the Tardis from one of the Time Lords, Ten --and blackmailed him into surrendering it -- now Liquid has a toy that he uses to randomly bring in people from all over the world--- all over the universe really-- and Life and Death are no obstacle.
Once he managed to unlock the secrets of the Tardis, Liquid rigged a way to remotely control its capabilities.
Sometimes for amusement, sometimes for malicious reasons, Liquid can bring in someone from anywhere, can literally raise the dead, because he can simply pluck them from a time before they lost their physical form.
He is not sane, far from it, and this only adds to the danger and threat to the world.
Shadow Moses Island is now a huge settlement with many people living around it, a massive Fortress that is watched over by Liquid, Ocelot, Loki, Vergil Sparda, many of the original SM crew.
Fort Freedom is the seat of the Resistance, and Liquid allows them to exist only because it amuses him-- that amusement could end at any time, and for any reason. They are located in the Rockies, in a fortified Citadel well guarded, and among the personages there are Big Boss and the Boss, who are the Leaders.
From time to time Liquid sends attacks of various sorts against them, and they have so far survived.
Don't Tread On Me - the DTOM -- they are the remanants of the USA govenment, with Patriot and Philosopher holdouts and supporters among them. They strongly desire the deaths of Liquid and Ocelot, and have already sentenced them to death by hanging in absentia. They have no love for Fort Freedom either, seeing them as radicals.
If you get pulled in here be aware that the cities are now all GEAR/GEKKO bases, and up and down the coasts there are rows of massive super-nukes, the Cronos and the Titan, and modified Minutemen. Life goes on, life always goes on, and there are drugs, whores, black markets, crying babies and housewifely drudgery in this world, just as there was before Liquid unlocked his terrible secret.
You might land anywhere, and your fate might be kind or cruel, depending on the whims of a mad God.
There's no rhyme or reason to things now: The TARDIS has begun to malfunction, upset by Liquid's toying with it, and although it's still under Liquid's control, it has started to pull people randomly, without the need of Liquid's express orders. Things can only get more insane, so feel free to join in the madness!
Our AIM chat is: lmlchat 

We are on Yahoo Messenger every day:




Once you join, come there to plottage out your destiny!

The World According to Liquid Snake..... he might call it Outer Heaven at times, but don't be fooled.

It's just a pretty wrapping for Hell on earth.






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[22 Dec 2011|08:37pm]
[info]eden_project via [info]edenprojmod

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