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[21 Dec 2011|09:27am]
[info]carnivale_mods Rosario Dawson, Mikey and Gerard Way, Ville Valo, Bam Margera, Bill Kaunitz, Shemar Moore, Matthew Gray Gubler, Lady Gaga, Dita von Teese, Adele, Kaley Cuoco, Shannon Leto, Christina Hendricks, Alison Brie, Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Justin Timberlake, Mila Kunis, Emma Stone, Zoe Saldana, Tom Hardy, Christian Bale, Christina Ricci, Rose McGowan, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Tom Sturridge, Robert Pattinson and many more faces would be showered in love and storylines!

Specifically looking for bartenders (especially those with 'flair') for the Libation Garden, burlesque dancers, security guards, suspension act, contortionist/gymnast, musicians, sideshow acts, game booth operators and performers in the haunted house.

Werewolves, vampires, chupacabra, mer-folk, fae, ghosts/poltergeists and tons of other mythical creatures available. Storylines wanted for immediate scenes!
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The 8th Floor - a Post-War Harry Potter RPG [21 Dec 2011|12:55pm]


  The internet lives forever and travels faster than any owl, even without the help of magic. As 2005 draws to a close, the Wizarding World's in danger of finding out first-hand what the consequences of that might be. It's getting harder every day for the Ministry to protect its citizens from exposure and the old tried-and-true methods haven't kept pace with muggle advancements. Without hard work, sacrifice and maybe a miracle or two, life as everybody knows it is doomed to change forever and they're running out of time to stop it.

  There are those who don't believe revealing magic to muggles would be such a terrible thing, however. Among them is a shadowy new group whose methods are unknown but whose motives have recently become clear. They want the Statute of Secrecy overturned, regardless of the consequences, and they aren't willing to wait forever. They've already started taking steps to force the Ministry's hand and although they seem unwilling to break the masquerade themselves, nobody knows if or when that might change.

  If you're not with them, you're against them - an "enemy of wizard-kind" whose name has been posted on a list of others like you. It's a list that's growing smaller as threats are made, blood is spilled and names are crossed off once and for all.
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MOST WANTED: Muggleborns, former Slytherins, older characters.
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[21 Dec 2011|01:45pm]
The battle did not go according to plan, and Victoria was outraged to find out that her numbers were no longer in tact. She hadn't set out on that journey only to fail, and when brought face to face with one of her many enemies, she fled the scene with Riley into seclusion. Time to regroup was all she needed in order to succeed, but would it be enough? And though it was a victory in many respects, this wouldn't be the end of her vendetta against the Cullen clan.

What if James had never really died? What if there was someone waiting in the wings for the Cullens to disperse and collected his ashes before he was completely turned to nothing but dust? He spent the months biding his time, and watching Victoria's actions from afar, amused by the lengths she would go to to avenge his murder. Unbeknownst to them, he tracked Alice, Bella and Edward all the way to Italy, keeping his distance all the while.

With Victoria at a desperate point to bring down the Cullens and the Volturi offering to help despite their own turmoil in their inner circle, will James ever let his existence be known again? Or will he continue to simply observe the going-ons around him? And just how will the Quileutes react to the idea of Jacob Black being the rightful Alpha male?

Now that a war is about to begin, what side will you choose?

WANTED: Sam Uley, Emily Young, Collin Littlesea, Aro, Marcus, Jane, Alec
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[21 Dec 2011|09:13pm]

Can you spot the werewolf?

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[info]maligned, a modern supernatural pb game, opens December 28.
Bring us your new or homeless characters!

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