Homeless Role Players.'s Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Homeless Role Players.

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In search of players! [14 Dec 2011|02:46am]
Want to play in a game that's active and friendly and accepting of new players but just don't have an idea for a character? Go on over to our Wanteds at The Supernatural Next Door and fill a line that's greatly needed! We're a friendly group and we love new players and would greatly appreciate anyone filling any of these lines! Come on down and join us.
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[14 Dec 2011|03:22pm]


Adds tonight!

Specifically wanted: public relations manager, tightrope walkers, burlesque dancers, bartenders, strongman, haunted house performers, freakshow oddities, musicians, cooks/food vendors, merchants, magicians, illusionists, game booth operators, a knife thrower, clowns/mimes/buskers, and much more available!

Tons of faces open, lots of positions available and needed for storylines!

We've been open and active for nearly a year and will not be closing anytime soon. Bring your muses here for a fun, creative, energetic and welcoming RP environment. Dark SLs, fluff, romance, drama, angst, battle, adult/mature, humor and much more abound. AIM and thread friendly! All OC, no fandoms or canon to worry about!

If the idea of a supernatural, traveling carnival set in modern-day USA appeals to you, and you want to play with a bank of stable, talented, active writers, then [info]darkcarnivale is the place for you!
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[14 Dec 2011|08:29pm]
People are starting to realize that it isn't a series of freak accidents anymore. Something is happening, and someone is behind it all. Monsters exist, so do angels, and demons, and everything else that the mind can possibly create, or fear. The superhero's are trying to stop it, the scientists are trying to explain it, and the humans are just trying to survive. There's a place for everyone to fit in, if they're brave (or crazy) enough to try.

Highway to Hell RPG is still recruiting for all characters from all different fandoms! We're looking for:

Bobby Singer, Ruby, Michael, Anna, Balthazar and Lucifer from Supernatural
Moriarty from Sherlock
Captain America and The Hulk from The Avengers
Lee Adama aka Apollo from Battlestar Galactica

And everyone else!
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[ viewing | December 14th, 2011 ]
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