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Super Glee RPG [08 Dec 2011|09:25am]

Rules | Holds | Apply | Cast | Timeline
Lima, OH looks like any other small town in the middle of America. It's citizens are the epitome of normal, and nothing much ever happens. But things are not all as they appear in this small town, and things are far from normal. 60 years ago, during the height of the McCarthy-era, Lima was turned from a normal, all-American town into a holding area for people with...abilities. A statue was erected in the center of town that suppressed these powers, and over time people forgot they'd ever been different.

On July 4th, 2011, 60 years to the day the statue was erected, a freak lightning storm swept through town. The damage to Lima itself was minimal, but the statue was destroyed. For weeks, no one noticed anything was different, until one day...it was. No one quite knows who was the first, but by the time August began nearly every teenager in Lima was exhibiting odd...symptoms. Headaches, fevers, vomiting...people thought it was just a massive flu outbreak, but the truth was far more than that.

And then suddenly...the symptoms stopped. Almost as if they'd never been there to begin with. Things went back to normal, a new statue was put up in place of the old one, and life went on. But this statue wasn't like the old one, made of simple stone and plaster, and nature can only go so long before correcting itself.

It's been almost four months since the powers started showing up, but the Lima kids are no closer to finding out what caused them. A mysterious Man In Black has been showing up here and there, but no one seems to remember him, or know what he's up to. And WHY are all the grown-ups starting to get sick, starting with people's grandparents?

WANTED: Finn Hudson, Matt Rutherford, Azimio Adams, Sugar Motta, Sebastian Smythe and other CANON characters. OC's are accepted, but as of 12/7/11 only if they fulfill an in-game need (which at this point is Warblers, villains and OC siblings of played-characters)

For the players: As of game start, no one will have powers. They will develop slowly over the course of the game and at different rates for different characters. More information can be found in the powers post.

Game Started August 20th!
Major Plot begins Jan 1st

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[08 Dec 2011|10:36am]
Confundo (via [info]confundomod) is a Marauders Era game set in MWPP's 7th year.  The game's quirk is that Dumbledore has instituted an group journal ([info]confundoanon), where students can post whatever they'd like, anonymously.  It's created quite the fun and (IC) drama so far!

We're looking for more people to join in the fun, and some specific roles as well:

  • Troy!  Irish quidditch player of "Troy, Mullet, and Moran!" fame.  We have Saoirse Mullet and Melissa Moran in game already, but they need the third member of their trio!

  • Siblings!  Amelia Bones (sister of Eddie, via [info]eddiebo), Apollo Selwyn (brother of Cassandra, via [info]noprophet), Niall Mullet (twin brother of Saoirse, via [info]flyingfish), and Marlowe McKinnon (brother of Marlene, via [info]warmly)!  In most of these cases, only the character's name, age, and house have been specified.  You'd have built-in plot with instant family, and free range to create a character however you'd like to do so!

  • Kingsley Shaklebolt (to join the other future BAMFs, of course), Megan McCormack (continuing her mother's quidditch dynasty!), or Xenophilius Lovegood (crazy is fun!) perhaps?

  • In general, we really need Hufflepuffs, Ravenclaws, 6th year students, and quidditch players!

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[08 Dec 2011|12:12pm]
[info]carnivale_mods. Open for nearly a year, very active. Tons of positions and roles still open and wanted/needed! Burlesque dancers, bartenders, tightrope, escape artist, sword swallower, magicians, game booth operators, clowns/mimes, food vendors, artisans, jewelry-makers, makeup designers, musicians and more desired! All PBs welcome! All-original, thread and AIM friendly, no fandom characters!

Come show off your creative chops in a mature, fun SL with talented writers and plenty of great plot and interaction! Character-driven with large plot arcs to keep it on course.
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[08 Dec 2011|01:05pm]
[info]montengrou Montenegro U is a PB-based mythological game on InsaneJournal revolving around a fictional college town and school in Colorado where mythological reincarnates are accepted or hired to work. We're a small, close-knit community of roleplayers and we strive to provide for you an interactive, creative, drama-free forum for playing your favorite mythological characters.

Looking for: Bastet, Ma'at, Thoth, Osiris, Isis, Nephthys, or anyone listed here and more!
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My Savage Garden [08 Dec 2011|08:38pm]








Was Pan truly an innocent, mischievous young man who never wished to grow up.. or was he something more?

Was he a child thief, always in search of the unwanted, orphaned youths to bolster his forces in a never-ending war with his brother, the black hearted Hook? Join us at Neverland and find the darker side of Pan. Be a mermaid and seek the light of mans' souls. Be a pirate and sail the ocean blue. Be a Lost Boy and fly across Neverland's sky.

Stay eternal, and never say goodbye...



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