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[02 Nov 2011|11:03am]


In business for over 7 months!
Tons of positions and PBs still open!
All-original modern day supernatural game set in a traveling carnival!
Mature, dark themes welcome.

Desperately sought:
chefs/cooks/food vendors, sword swallower, shock/torture act (human blockhead), merchants, artists, haunted house performers, game booth operators, midway performers, buskers, roustabouts, technicians, high wire act, public relations, burlesque dancers, security personnel/bouncers, bartenders/servers, and much more!

Races open:
werewolves, vampires, zombies, faeries, merfolk, shapeshifters, ghosts/poltergeists, demons, dopplegangers, gifted humans and hundreds more to choose from!
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[02 Nov 2011|12:26pm]

Sometimes things fall apart...

Mutants walk among us and have since time immemorial, though they have only been publicly acknowledged since the 1960s. Fifty years after the first pro-mutant demonstrations in the United States a great deal has changed. The country has not one but two schools dedicated to the training and education of people with powers. Their goals, however, are incredibly different. The government funded Shepard-Wyatt Institute has a long tradition of training mutants to work for the military while the secret sanctuary of Hewitt's School for Troubled Youth advocates choice. With the political climate in the country heating up once more on mutant rights issues can these two schools continue to peacefully coexist, or will it end in a showdown played out on the streets of the nation? Only one thing is certain: diverging paths and opinions can only lead to discourse or destruction.

[info]diverging is a superpower-based PB game that welcomes diverse characters created by players ages 18 and up. Set in modern times in the United States, our aim is to explore the unique dynamics of a powered world between the students and staff of both the government-run Shepard-Wyatt Institute and the privately-owned Hewitt's School for Troubled Youth on an individual and collective level.

No examples needed November 3, 6, or 8 in honor of our anniversary!
Additionally, new plots and application events are launching soon. Get in before you get left behind!

...so better things can fall together.
Hewitt's School for Troubled Youth | Shepard-Wyatt Institute (SWI)
Premise | FAQ | Rules | Powers | Timeline | Taken
Holds | Application | Wanted | Dropbox | Members Only

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[02 Nov 2011|05:30pm]


A 616 Marvel game that takes place after M Day, with one small alteration. No need to memorize over 20 years of history and comics! Just a basic knowledge of the character's personality, powers, and origins. So no more running in fear from contradictory back histories. They haven't happened yet! All the groundwork of our world is laid out for you in our premise.

So if you are looking for a friendly, writing focused comm where we love and promote character development and run plots with that 616, cinematic feel, come check us out! After all, who doesn't like some personality with their spandex and crazy fun with their drama?

Rules // Premise // Taken // Held and Wanted // Apply
Mod Journal // IC Journal // OOC Journal

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[02 Nov 2011|06:24pm]
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[02 Nov 2011|09:11pm]
Light of May is one of the longest-running original supernatural games on IJ, and now it's easier than ever to join the fun! We are introducing adoptable characters! A varied collection of gently used characters, willingly put up for adoption by old players and looking for a good home! Fully house-broken and packed with insta!plots and character connections. Best of all, all you need is a writing sample and you're good to go! Drive that baby right off the lot and into Happytown. There are plenty of characters to choose from! Like this one, Lanni. Lanni is a phoenix, and in this life she's a happy wife and mother. She once had to bring all three of her children back from the dead, so that's total mom of the year material right there. Adopt Lanni today!
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[02 Nov 2011|09:11pm]
Light of May is one of the longest-running original supernatural games on IJ, and now it's easier than ever to join the fun! We are introducing adoptable characters! A varied collection of gently used characters, willingly put up for adoption by old players and looking for a good home! Fully house-broken and packed with insta!plots and character connections. Best of all, all you need is a writing sample and you're good to go! Drive that baby right off the lot and into Happytown. There are plenty of characters to choose from! Like this one, Lazarus. Lazarus is an incubus without a single redeeming or endearing quality, but dammit, he's fun. This pretty little demon comes complete with demonic family members and an arch-enemy! Let the bloodshed begin!
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[02 Nov 2011|09:14pm]
Bon Temps, Louisiana. To the eyes of a stranger it would seem like a quiet, sleepy little town. But upon closer look there's something sinister and dark lurking. The last few years have been difficult to say the least for those that call the small town home. It all started when the vampires revealed themselves to the world, claiming that with the production of synthetic blood they are no longer a danger to the human population.

The vampires began to live among the humans. Naturally this created anti-vampire organizations. The only thing people didn't realize is that vampires aren't the only beings lurking around them. If they only knew what else lurked out there in the darkness they'd never step foot outside the safety of their homes again.

Merlotte's Bar is one of the primary businesses in the town. Owned and ran by Sam Merlotte who happens to be a shifter, only that's a well kept secret. Bon Temps has had it's share of supernatural problems, each getting worse than the last.

The town has become a magnet for supernatural beings of all shapes and sizes. And now a powerful witch has cast a spell, opening a portal to other worlds. Creatures and people are being brought there against their will. This is going to create problems for the vampires who are seemingly harmless in Bon Temps. The creatures being drawn there have no care and are wreaking havoc during the night.

Be careful what you invite in, chere.
When Night Falls is a pan-fandom game, set in the True Blood verse.
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[02 Nov 2011|11:21pm]
Is there anyone out there who might want to bring the characters Caroline Channing and Max Black from Two Broke Girls to a panfandom game? I would love to play either of them. This could be as simple as friendship or, if you're comfortable with it, there could be a femme storyline going on. Comment here if you're interested!
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