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[03 Jun 2011|12:41pm]

From the pages of the books…life is born

Behind your favorite stories and beneath the words lies a world beyond the reaches of your wildest dreams, populated by characters you’ve known all your life, twisted and interpreted by a mischievous Puppet Master who has tangled the strings of fantasy and woven the fibres of beloved tales to built a world of chaos and order; magic and fantasy.

Years have past, and the creator of his mystic place has grown weary, lost control. Now, dark forces have seeped into the far reaches of this created place, threatening the very foundations of fairy tale endings and breaking all promises of happily ever afters...

Welcome to Ithaca. The world beyond the pages.

Beyond Pages is a Dark Fantasy RPG with a strong focus on player creativity. The possibilities are limited only by the imagination.

Set to open upon the fulfillment of 10 characters.

Wanted characters: Little Red Riding Hood, Snow White, Peter Pan, Briar Rose, and many, many more!

Premise | Rules | f.a.q | Available and Holds | Taken Characters
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[03 Jun 2011|01:37pm]

Holds Application Cast FAQ Everything Else!

In 2023, the first Wizard University was opened in Ipswich, England. Offering an alternative to traditional internships, the school was a welcome relief to places such as St Mungos and Professional Quidditch Teams, where applicants far exceeded the vacancies. Two years later the school is thriving with ten offered subjects, co-ed fraternities, street games, and Quidditch tournaments. Gossip and rumours, pranks, and day-to-day mishaps make college life anything but boring. Just mind the occasional streaker...

WMU is a well established, next generation Harry Potter game set at university. With a focus on character development, good storylines, and both friendships and relationships between characters, we’ve gone back to basics that make role play fun. We encourage good writing, journaling, threading, and our players to simply relax and have fun.
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X-Project - seeking players! [03 Jun 2011|03:47pm]
Game: X-Project
Genre: X-Men Movieverse on LJ
Newly Available Characters: Cyclops, Havok, Wolverine, Psylocke

Want to play a superhero and have grand adventures? Or perhaps you prefer a school-based game with all the drama involved in growing up and learning your place in the world? CSI-type private investigations? Dark and gritty spy games? Romance and relationships? X-Project has it all!

Brief Description of your game: X-Project is an X-Men movieverse RPG on Livejournal. Set after X2, we've been running since May 2003 and use a combination of in-character journals and email/IM logs. There's a number of settings for a range of play, whatever your preference, and while we accept new characters we strongly encourage people to adopt one of our orphans.

Link to Game Information/Application: Applications can be found here. Please read the previous history of the character before applying. A test log with the mods will usually be required, and we'll ask prospective players to communicate with players in the cases of significant relationships with a played character (eg: If you want to app Jeanne-Marie Beaubier, you'll be asked to ping Jean-Paul's player, to ensure continuity). See the FAQ on Applications for details.

Rules | Application | Available Characters | Game Wiki | Read The Game | FAQ|Contact Us

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[03 Jun 2011|05:56pm]


Two days ago this was an empty lot, an abandoned field near the edge of town. Then the trucks rolled in, big semis huffing clouds of noxious fumes, and able-bodied men jumped out to set stakes in the ground, run string to mark off areas. The townspeople whispered excitedly as the posters and flyers arrived around town, posted on telephone poles and bulletin boards, stacks of them on the counters in shops.

The Dark Carnival was in town.

The tents aren't the gay red and white stripes of the carnivals of yesteryear; these are black and gray, burgundy and purple, dark jewel tones lit from within by lanterns and candles and blacklights. Torches burn at the entrance and a sign warns all who enter that they are lost. The Ferris Wheel is a hulking beast against the sky; carnies walk among the crowd dressed in leather jackets embroidered like a skeleton's infrastructure, weaving expertly between the marks. Barkers call to passersby, luring them in for the sights and sounds. Canvas banners ripple in the wind, which carries with it the scent of food cooking, the hot smell of machinery and oil.

There are cries of laughter and delighted squeals coming from the funhouse, the freak tent, the thrill rides. People walk out of the psychic's tent looking a little uneasy, laughing it off as hokum even as their skin crawls. And some of those shrieks from the funhouse... well, they sound a little too sincere, don't they?

This is the Dark Carnival.

This is a very active original-character supernatural-themed game.
Dark and adult themes are prevalent. AIM / thread friendly.
Very attentive mods, great writers, OOC comraderie and tons of fun!

Now hiring for: shock/torture performers (human blockheads, glass-eaters, etc), contortionists, burlesque dancers, musicians (non-singers), booth operators, security, vendors/artisans, tightrope walkers, motorcycle/death-cage stunt performers, conjoined twins, mimes/clowns, acts for the freak show, etc! All PBs welcome as long as they are actual human beings!
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