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[05 Mar 2009|11:09am]

[info]an_ill_wind via [info]illwindmod

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It's 1980 and the first war is escalating. Voldemort is slowly taking over all aspects of magical life; he is systematically knocking out important ministry figures in his quest to deter Millicent Bagnold's campaign for Minister of Magic, and plotting the demise of key radicals in the Order of the Phoenix, Dumbledore's agitating, underground society. But something is changing. A new prophecy is being crafted by someone who has seen how Voldemort's campaign will tear the world apart and destroy the lives of those fighting against him. Will they re-shape the war to a better end, or simply delay what they are trying to prevent? Maybe an ill wind is blowing nobody any good.

Many characters available for application!

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[05 Mar 2009|12:00pm]

:: GAME STATUS: SET TO OPEN 03.07.09 ::

"The threat is real." - Nathan Petrelli, A Clear and Present Danger

Everyone remembers the Salem Witch trials of the 1600s, right? Innocent people slaughtered or locked up simply because they were accused. That can't happen again, right? We're far too sophisticated and evolved for that now, aren't we? Wrong. It's happening again, thanks to a man named Nathan Petrelli, it has become like the witch trials all over, but not specifically witches, ANY special person is in danger. Nathan's goal is to lock them all up so they can't be a danger anymore.

"I'm a God-fearing man. I just want what is best for our country." – Nathan Petrelli, A Clear and Present Danger

What if you just disappeared? Completely disappeared. One day you're going to work or school and the next you are just gone. You were taken by them because of what you can do, or even what they think you can do. Man gets in a fight with boss and boss accuses man of having ability beyond what is natural. Man disappears. Husbands turn on wives, fathers on sons, daughters on mothers, and soon this great Nation is ripped apart.

"These are our targets. Know them. Hunt them, track them and bring them home alive." - Nathan Petrelli, Building 26

What do you do when everyone you love has turned on you? When everyone you know is against you? A law is passed to turn in any special person, and those who do not follow will find themselves in the same mess. You don't get a jury, a trial, nothing, you're just locked up and erased….like you never even existed. Life goes on.

Sound like the kind of life you want to live? No? Then what if you had the chance to fight back? Not everyone will go quietly. Some will escape and be on the run, others will escape and fight back. They have a right to live. Some will try to reach out for help with their abilities and disastrous consequences will occur. A portal will be opened and people from all worlds and times will be brought to ours.

So the sides have been chosen, where will you fall? Will you side with the government to stop the threat? Or will you fight?

"Two million years of human evolution and this is what we get? You morons." – Max Guevara, Freak Nation

Alliances will be made. Sworn enemies will work together. Brother against Brother. Mother against Son. There is a war coming and you've got to be ready. Only one thing is certain, our world will never be the same.

[info]the_hunted Is a Pan-Fandom game set in the Heroes universe. You may choose to bring in special characters, give non-specials powers, or just play normal people. Any fandom characters you can think of are welcome here. We do ask that animated characters have a PB though.

{[info]the_hunted | [info]hunted_network | [info]hunted_ooc | [info]hunted_mods}
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