Jul. 16th, 2010


Hi, all, Jen here with character number three because I have really poor impulse control apparently. *facepalm*

This darling is Adele Delacour. She's 17 and coming from the end of June, 2022. So before her seventh year, yipes.

She's the daughter of Gabrielle Delacour and some random guy Gabrielle met on vacation one year and fell pretty hard for. It didn't go well and Gabrielle ended up being a single mother.

Adele is a ridiculously outgoing and social girl. She was pretty decent in school, but she was totally one of those kids who likes the social aspect of it more than the actual school part. Which, hey, she loved the learning stuff part of school. Just not the whole... y'know... homework and whatnot part.

I'm looking for any kind of plot whatsoever for her.

Jul. 14th, 2010


Is Jen again, with character number two!

This is Lisa Turpin, Ravenclaw alum. She's 21, a Healer-in-training, bisexual but not looking, overly sensitive on occasion but trying to grow past that, uh... what else?

She's fiercely, ridiculously loyal to her friends. Speaking of friends, her best friend in the entire world is Audrey Weasley, who's a few years older than her, so anybody who knows Audrey, Percy, or their kids would know Lisa or at least know who she is. She was working on the Spell Damage floor in the long-term ward at the time of her ending up here.

Oh, and she's coming from July 15, 2001.

I'll take any storylines at all for her, I have nothing specific in mind!

Jul. 13th, 2010


So hiiii! I'm new, don't eat me. I'm Jen, by the way. I've been RPing for... twelve years? Thirteen? God, I can't even REMEMBER. RP is my big hobby, so you can expect to see me here a lot. Other than that, hobbies include reading and writing. I work 7 AM to 4 PM, CST, but I'm always around in the evenings. My AIM's snarkypetrelli -- I always have it on in the evenings, I'm just not always visible. Or you can email me at machinedreams@gmail.com if you feel more comfortable with that.

And now on to the good stuff!

This darling is Kevin Entwhistle. His profile's in his journal, but here's the basics -- he's a very upfront kind of guy, what you see is what you get. He works as a dragon tamer (with Charlie Weasley), so he's a rough and tumble kind of guy. He's got some noticeable scars, though he acts like they're not even there. He's just used to them.

He's friends with Percy Weasley, which means that any Weasleys in game will either know him pretty well or at least VAGUELY know him. He was a Ravenclaw, but the second war hit him hard and he changed a good bit. I'm especially looking for friends and past relationships -- he sleeps around a lot but stays on decent terms with most of the girls. He's 31, coming from October of 2011.

I look forward to playing with all of you!