May. 29th, 2010


I just wanted to let everyone know that I have the player tags added to the rpg comm and I have gone through and fixed tags on the threads there and the ooc posts here. You might check them over for the formatting of tags that I would like to see. I'm not going to gripe about one or two, I'll often just go in and fix it, but I'd rather not make it my job to tag all of the entries because it can be very time consuming.

Also, a reminder on character tags, while most are first name last name there are a few oddball tags:

(I will list here both the rpg comm and ooc comm tags for these characters. The first is for the rpg comm the second is the ooc comm.)

Sirius - sirius black iii / character: sirius black iii
Regulus - regulus black ii / character: regulus black ii
Lily Potter - lily luna potter / character: lily luna potter

I believe those are all in game now. They're basically like that because of the potential of the same names coming into game (there are canonically 3 Sirius Black and 2 Regulus Blacks, as well as 2 Lily Potters and 2 James Potters.

I also wanted to put a quick note in about thread formatting as well. While I'm not picky about the wording, I would like all of the following information to be included.


If you have any questions about what should be put in a specific part, don't hesitate to ask. There is also a breakdown of the formatting (what goes there and all that) in the welcome post.

And a reminder, this is a mod post so it requires a reply, as does the last mod post. You have one week to reply and the date will be listed at the end of each mod post. (Note for mods: if it's your mod post you need not reply to yourself, but all other mods should reply as well.)

Reply By Date: June 5th

Exempt From Responding:

Lissa (mod post)
Mel (hiatus)

Responded )

May. 27th, 2010


I believe everything is ready for opening with around 30 minutes to spare. There are a few things I would like to bring to your attention:

* Plot posts - There will be less plot all at once this time. You are encouraged to make and continue your own plots as well as participate in the game-wide ones as they come.

* Full moon - Yes, it is tonight but it will be ignored in game. Remus will not suddenly go wolfy. The next known full moon is toward the end of June and that will be recognized in game. We are going on a 2010 calendar as that's game time.

* Character Changes - Some characters have been changed from the previous time around, be aware of this. Also, any changes that haven't been mod approved must be run by us beforehand. This is mostly for major changes so that we are sure we are on the same page.

* Tags - I am not sure if all ooc and rpg comm tags are updated. I did delete the ones for the characters I know are no longer in play. In the ooc comm you should have a player tag (player: name) and a character tag for each character (character: name). Be sure to use these in any ooc posts you make (if Lily is referring only to Andromeda in one of her posts, she need not use Orion's and Remus') as they apply. Also if your post has a comment directed to any certain player/character, please include those tags. In the rpg comm you should have a tag for each character (character name) please use these in all threads. IF YOUR TAGS ARE NOT THERE, PLEASE LET US KNOW. There will also be player tags (same as the ooc) added to the rpg comm, please use these as well, this way you will be able to click on your name and see what threads you have.

* Rules updates - We have made the activity rule more lenient but this does not mean that you can go completely inactive. If it becomes a problem, we will add some limitations to it. Right now, there is no min post limit for journals or threads. We also ask that you respond to every post tagged "mod post." We post these for a reason and we want to be sure they are read. Each post will have a running list of people who have commented and at the end of the week we will post a list of people who haven't. If you make the list twice in a row, this will count for a warning. Do not let this rule be the reason you get in trouble.

* Items on characters - Last time this was a voluntary exercise, but this time it will be required. Think about what your character was doing at the time they arrived here and what they will realistically have on them. You may add this list to your app or an ooc post in your character's journal but please have it for reference.

I know I am forgetting things, so I may update this later on. Most importantly, however, remember to have fun.


Reply By Date: June 3rd

Exempt From Responding:
Lissa (mod post)
Mel (hiatus)

Responded )