August 18th, 2010

[info]blondebeauty in [info]hogsmeadeooc

Here's an update on my hiatus, but sadly it's not much.

We are almost all moved (everything is moved over, including my computer, but we still have to clean the old place) and unfortunately, I'm not getting a connection to the clubhouse wifi from my apartment, so I'm still on hiatus and internet is still not up for discussion. First my mom said she wanted to get moved before we discussed it, now she wants to live there a while, so it's not looking good. If I'm gone too long, I'll change it to a semi-hiatus and start posting slowly with my characters so that I'm still kinda active. Starting tomorrow (or tonight if I have time) I will be on at the library for an hour a day except Sunday, so there will be some activity either way. With the threads I've been active in, I've been doing a pretty decent job of keeping up (save for the days I couldn't get on at all) so I'm proud of myself for that. I definitely want to keep them going for the sake of having something to write during breaks at work, so please don't feel like you're giving me too much if you reply!

As a reminder, I can be reached by text/email/facebook on my phone. Or even my Katherine Pierce myspace if all else fails. If you want my facebook or Katherine's myspace, feel free to ask. My email is and if we talk and you want my cell number, feel free to ask. Preferably in email or on aim if you can catch me but an hour a day isn't much, so email is definitely the better bet. AND if you want to email me just for chatting/distraction PLEASE do. I'm going to be very bored without internet to distract me.

I apologize for the inconvenience.

And since I have to go (this applies to Shadow Falls only), Kenzie is sending out invitations to everyone today for Everleigh's party. It will be sent to everyone EXCEPT Everleigh. Theparty is the 20th (Friday?) at I believe 7. Isaac is taking Ever out that day before the party and will bring her by. It is a surprise party. Feel free to have your characters talk about it after the fact if they were there. As I said before, it's up to Kassi or Callie if either wants to post a thread as to whether or not it will be threaded.

And a sidenote: Kierah (Shadow Falls) and Kris (Ridgeway) I have the movies you wanted me to watch on my flash drive still, so I will be watching them (finally) during my mass amounts of free time.
