August 31st, 2007

[info]angelus_buff in [info]hms_harmony


Hey guys! *waves*

Well, for my first post, I'm going to post a bunch of fanart icons. :D The art is all by Muddgutts, who was gracious enough to allow me to icon his wonderful works.

Icons Ahead.... )

Feel free to use any that you wish, just remember to credit either [info]angelus_buff or my graphics journal [info]sunnydale_grafx. Also, if you could credit the art in the icon to Muddgutts that'd be great too, I know that that's a lot to put there in your comment line, but he is the one who did all the work, and he more than deserves the credit for it. :)

K, that's it. Enjoy and I'd love to know what you think! :)
