August 12th, 2007

[info]dani_meows in [info]hms_harmony

into type thing and looking for a beta.

Hello y'all,

I'm a livejournal refugee that's looking forward to enjoying my most beloved, should have been canon ship here instead. I'm also looking for some more fandom friends so feel free to add me to your friends list if you want. (warning: I do write slash fics as well)

I'm in desperate need of a beta writer for a few stories. I've claimed Harry/Hermione at the fanfic 100 site and I would love to have my works betaed before I submit them. I've got two stories done right now, neither of them are adult. One of them is a story I wrote last year for an H/HR fest last year on LJ.

*looks cute and innocent and tries not to look all of her 23 years of age.*