Wednesday, July 9th, 2014

Courship [Asgard; pre-marriage] (tag: Thor)

Sif set the brass plate down with a sigh. Someday, she'd own a decent mirror, but for now it had to do. The reflection was a bit distorted, so she had to hope she looked as good as she thought. It was important.

Thor was coming to call. )
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Thursday, October 11th, 2012

Territorial Dispute [A couple years after Sif moved to Midgard] (tag: Rosmerta)

Sif ran her hands along the tall wheat, enjoying the soft strokes along her palms. It was in good shape for the early part of July, and with a lttle encouragement it would be in perfect condition by the time it was ready to harvest in just a couple weeks. Sif was determined to make it the best harvest season this area had ever seen.

When Sif had first left Asgard, she had been unsure what to do. )
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Monday, September 10th, 2012

Freedom's Just Another Word [Not Long After Loki's Binding] (tag: Iris)

The first order of business had been to find a place to live, now that Bilskirner was no longer her home. At first she'd had no idea where to go or what to do, but Sif was not about to admit defeat. She wasn't sure Thor had ever understood how strong she really was.

It was that strength that got her through the recent events. )
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