Tuesday, August 7th, 2012

Opportunity Knocks [Aquitaine, 16 CE] (tag: Rosmerta)

Pothos was getting bored. It was becoming very difficult to find someone that he had not already seduced. Not that it was ever bad being with the same person more than once, he had many repeat lovers. There was just something about getting someone new to agree to have sex with you that was just special. That hardly covered the feeling he got when the sexual longing from someone hit him. If it was someone new, it was just that much sweeter. And the passion was at an all time high.

He left Greece to find greener pastures )
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Wednesday, March 7th, 2012

How Could You?? - Hesiod's Bronze Age [tag: Zephyrus, then Pothos]

What had happened?

Iris awoke in her bed dazed and more than a little confused. She was undressed, which was not altogether unusual given that she was in bed and the fact that her husband lay sleeping beside her. Her hand went to her head, trying to recall what exactly had happened in the hours prior.

She had gotten home, sat on the couch and waited for Zephyrus to get home. Pothos had been in his room -at least as far as she knew. When her husband returned, they had fought. Loudly. Iris had been angry enough that she remembered crying in rage. But what had made her so angry?

Right, she had visited her sister, Podarge, in order to see her new nephews. )
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