Thursday, October 11th, 2012

Testing the Waters [Gaul, 59 BCE] (tag: Iris)

There were rumblings. Well, when weren’t there? There were always rumblings these days. It had been that way since the Romans had adopted them, combining and in many cases replacing the Etruscan gods with those of the Greek pantheon. New names did not change personalities of those involved, however the way the mortals viewed them did shift a bit and finally her son was being given the recognition he deserved. Even if they were calling him Mars now. )
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Tuesday, September 11th, 2012

To Sleep... To Sleep... [tag: Hypnos]

A long, long time ago. Ancient times.

Rarely was there a job Iris considered refusing, bur Hera didn't generally send her to seek an Underworlder. That was unless her employer had very specific things she needed from said Underworlder. Which, it seemed, applied this time. The Messenger didn't dislike Hypnos. She really didn't have an opinion on most Underworlders, however, she didn't like the required journey to have audience with him.

Hypnos was, to be blunt, a homebody and one that took his duties perhaps a little too seriously. She couldn't very well summon him to audience in the middle of the day in Athens, let alone Olympus. He wasn't the type to appreciate that, nor was it proper to ask him to meet her somewhere when she was asking a boon from him. No, decorum stated that she come to him.

Drat. )
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Monday, September 10th, 2012

Freedom's Just Another Word [Not Long After Loki's Binding] (tag: Iris)

The first order of business had been to find a place to live, now that Bilskirner was no longer her home. At first she'd had no idea where to go or what to do, but Sif was not about to admit defeat. She wasn't sure Thor had ever understood how strong she really was.

It was that strength that got her through the recent events. )
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Tuesday, April 10th, 2012

The Problems with Passion - Hesiod's Bronze Age [tag: Aphrodite]

Iris paced nervously outside of Aphrodite's temple. She had never done anything like this before. She just wasn't the type to ask for advice often, let alone from a god or goddess she rarely associated with. But there was no one else to go to that would understand the Rainbow's dilemma. Iris was a first time parent and with that came certain difficulties. Aphrodite had many children, so she would have some advice, most likely. Hera had children too and would probably be more than willing to dispense her knowledge of raising troublesome children to her messenger, after all Hera had raised Ares and Enyo.

But there were something about Aphrodite's expertise that Iris needed. )
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Wednesday, March 7th, 2012

How Could You?? - Hesiod's Bronze Age [tag: Zephyrus, then Pothos]

What had happened?

Iris awoke in her bed dazed and more than a little confused. She was undressed, which was not altogether unusual given that she was in bed and the fact that her husband lay sleeping beside her. Her hand went to her head, trying to recall what exactly had happened in the hours prior.

She had gotten home, sat on the couch and waited for Zephyrus to get home. Pothos had been in his room -at least as far as she knew. When her husband returned, they had fought. Loudly. Iris had been angry enough that she remembered crying in rage. But what had made her so angry?

Right, she had visited her sister, Podarge, in order to see her new nephews. )
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