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Little Scamp Scampered Off... [Ancient Egypt] (tag: Hermes) [05 Jan 2014|08:19pm]
After This.

When Thoth heard that young Hermes had come to see him, there was no hiding that it pleased him. The boy was smart, clever and rather anxious to see and learn new things. Delightful qualities to have. He was very, very fond of the boy. He'd been told there was an extension of xenia so it might have been a bit before he'd actually see the kid.

Except that several hours passed, enough that he noted the change in the set of the sun and still Hermes had not been brought before him. Perhaps he fell asleep. A full stomach and having thirst quenched with beer could have understandably caused a certain degree of drowsiness and the Greek was more than welcome to stay and rest.

But come the next morning, Hermes still did not come before him. Strange. )

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