Sep. 26th, 2008


"The Night of the Dance", Final Fantasy VIII, Seifer/Quistis

Title: The Night of the Dance
Author: [info]jlsigman
Rating: R
Warnings: semi-graphic sex
Word count: 528
Prompt: Seifer/Quistis: 17. initiation - 83. the fireworks were literal

The Night of the Dance )

Oct. 15th, 2007


Bad Ideas Aren't Always So (Zell/Quistis, FFVIII)

Title: Bad Ideas Aren't Always So
Author: [info]nanthimus
Fandom: Final Fantasy VIII
Pairing: Zell/Quistis
Rating: So very G
Warnings: Unmitigated fluff.
Prompt: fancy dress-up date: A is B's date for a very formal occasion, possibly when they are not already a couple.
Summary: Zell's not sure how he lets Selphie get him into these kinds of situations.

Bad Ideas Aren't Always So )