Jul. 30th, 2008


Posh Party? [Final Fantasy VII, Cloud/Tifa]

Title: Posh Party?
Author: elanor_pam
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Pairing: Cloud/Tifa
Rating: PG
Warnings: None really.
Prompt: Final Fantasy VII, Cloud/Tifa - 15. Elaborate dress/costuming
Notes: I want Tifa's dress. Also, I can't help feeling I should have prepped Cloud up a little more...

I've no clue what party is this, but Cloud probably chose his own clothes or something. )

May. 17th, 2008


Simple Measures

Simple Measures
Title: Simple Measures
Author: Invaderhime
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Pairing: Rufus/Elena
Rating: Work Safe!
Request: Final Fantasy 7 - Rufus/Elena - Elena helping look after Rufus while he has geostigma. I really like seeing them end up together in a way that isn't an abuse of power.
A/N: TA-DA! Fluffyness ahoy! A little tardy, but worth waiting for ^_^
Read more... )

May. 15th, 2008


Bored now (Final Fantasy VII, Rufus/Elena)

Title: Bored now
Artist: [info]elanor_pam
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Pairing: Rufus/Elena
Rating: PG
Request: I would really love to see a RufusXElena from Final Fantasy VII picture...
I'd really like it to be a little fluffy and cute. Something involving Rufus and Elena in their uniforms , kissing or hugging or something like that, with Dark Nation at their feet.

Notes: They aren't kissing or hugging now... )

May. 14th, 2008


Untitled (Final Fantasy VII, Rufus/Elena)

Title: None
Author: Lassarina Aoibhell (ficjournal: [info]angharad)
Pairing: Rufus/Elena
Rating: PG
Warnings: Ending spoilers for FF7, and spoilers for Advent Children
Request: Final Fantasy 7 - Rufus/Elena - Elena helping look after Rufus while he has geostigma. I really like seeing them end up together in a way that isn't an abuse of power.

untitled )

May. 8th, 2008


Stolen Moment (Final Fantasy VII, Zack/Aeris) art

Title: Stolen Moment
Artist: [info]elanor_pam
Pairing: Zack/Aeris
Rating: Mature
A/N: There are like 5 versions of this pic, because it kept looking good in all the layer calculations I'd put it in...
Request: Art where they're trying to steal a little privacy, somewhere unlikely. Her mother doesn't approve, and he lives in a barracks -- where do they go when they want to mess around?

God probably doesn't approve )

Feb. 14th, 2008


Title: Dimly Lit
Author/Artist: [info]shiegra
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Pairing: Cloud/Tifa
Rating: R to NC-17 to be safe.
Recipient: [info]eleanor_pam
A/N: I'm...very worried about the characterization in this, but I hope it worked in the interactions. Also, the first fifteen few drafts of this had no resemblance to it whatsoever. Just goes to show what a deadline will do for your creativity.

Read more... )


"Chrysallis", Jenova/Hojo; Final Fantasy VII

Title: Chrysallis
Author: derestissilence
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Pairing: Jenova/Hojo
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1,030
Warnings: Jenova and Tentacles.
Notes: This is set pre-Jenova Project, and so some brief liberties are taken with setting and action. It shouldn't take away from the story, though.
Recipient: sharkcowsheep Happy V-Day!

Chrysallis )

Jan. 22nd, 2008


Final Fantasy VII - Mission Acomplished (Tseng/Elena) art

Title: Mission Acomplished
Author/Artist: [info]elanor_pam
Recipient: [info]yrena
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Pairing: Tseng/Elena
Rating: PG
Warnings: Impossibly-shaped explosion
Prompt: "I very much like the drama, bittersweet romances and unrequited love. Starry scenes and scenes at sea or on airships are also very much love." I went with the starry scene at the sea.
Additional Notes: My favorite part of the drawing has got to be Elena's dress.

Aug. 16th, 2007


Stealth Mission (Final Fantasy VII, Elena/Reno)

Title: Stealth Mission
Author: [info]puella_nerdii
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Pairing: Elena/Reno
Rating: NC-17
Wordcount: 3,828
Warnings: language, violence, explicit m/f sex
Prompt: Rufus/Elena - It started as a regular job for her, and it ended as anything but; add in a blindfold, and the two of them had a party. Preferably pre-Dirge, or at least not overly dependent on its characters or plot. Smut would be delicious. (Alternate: Reno/Elena.)
Summary: Even the worst missions can have the best endings.

Stealth Mission )

Aug. 15th, 2007


Total Lech (Final Fantasy VII, Cid/Tifa)

Title: Total Lech
Author: [info]sister_coyote
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Pairing: Cid/Tifa
Rating: PG-13
Prompt: FFVII, Tifa/Cid. "Anywhere but the bar, all right?" (Fairly open request, interpret quote as you see fit. Make 'em get it on or not as you like, but any circumstance that will prompt Cid to new heights of creative profanity would be glee!)

Tifa counted herself lucky that, in most ways, she liked her job, but some days were better than others. )


Materia Bright (Final Fantasy VII, Rude/Elena)

Title: Materia Bright
Author/Artist: [info]sister_coyote
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Pairing: Rude/Elena
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Sex. Some violence.
Prompt: Final Fantasy VII - Rude/Elena. They're undercover on a mission in a nasty part of Junon. Their cover is blown and they have to break out by any means necessary. Action is great. Post-action smut is great too.

Elena realizes that the job's gone bad when she sees her hosts -- 'hosts' -- moving in along the walls of the restaurant with more speed and determination than is really seemly. )

Aug. 13th, 2007


Brazen (Final Fantasy VII, Elena/Tseng)

Title: Brazen
Author: [info]sister_coyote
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Pairing: Elena/Tseng
Rating: NC-17
Prompt: Rude/Elena - Dirty talk, and lots of it; one of them is surprised that the other can use it so easily. Preferably set sometime after Elena's been 'accepted' in her role as a Turk by the others. Smut would be delicious. (Alternate: Tseng/Elena.)

This far out,‭ her PHS couldn't get good coverage. )

October 2008



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