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Apr. 24th, 2008


Baccano!, Claire/Chane

Title: Caught
Author/Artist: [info]shiegra
Fandom: Baccano!
Pairing: Claire/Chane
Rating: PG13
Warnings: Placement of arm, implications. Very mild. sorry.
Request: Baccano!, Claire/Chane. Meetings in unexpected places. Any level of explicitness is fine, though a bit of good-natured debauchery wouldn't be amiss.
A/N: This thing was--stressful. I hope it's better than nothing. Again, scanner wiped out some stuff.

Read more... )


Baccano!, Firo/Ennis

Title: A Pleasant Surprise
Author/Artist: [info]shiegra
Fandom: Baccano!
Pairing: Firo/Ennis
Rating: PG13/R
Warnings: Itty bitty of partial nudity?
Request: Baccano!, Firo/Ennis - How suspenders look on someone with curves. Happy-cute with clothes somewhat discheveled?
A/N: There used to be shading and a very little coloring, um, a mouth but my scanner is crap and I spent so much time cleaning up the mess that it got from the details that I didn't have the energy. Since I'm pinch-hitting I hoped something was better than nothing. And the scanner killed anything I colored in originally, so the blush wasn't so sloppy.

Read more... )

Apr. 22nd, 2008


Princess Tutu -- Fakir/Ahiru -- forget the goddamned title, just--just get out of my head

Title: forget the goddamned title, just—just get out of my head
Author: Mithrigil
Fandom: Princess Tutu
Pairing: Fakir/Ahiru
Rating: PG

Prompt: desire that burns and cannot be expressed as itself –
I want to know what he's writing about –

Because this sort of thing can happen in stories, it began with an answer instead of a question. )


Apr. 19th, 2008


Quintessence of Dust (Digital Devil Saga, Roland/Argilla)

Title: Quintessence of Dust
Author: [info]puella_nerdii
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: language, meta meta meta
Wordcount: 5050
Prompt: Argilla/Roland. "'What a piece of work is man', and all that--I don't expect you to know the rest, but the first thing humanity did was wonder what the fuck it was."
Summary: Our deeds make us who we are. Roland, Argilla, and the kind of late-night discussion of Hamlet that can only happen when it's the end of the world.

Quintessence of Dust )


[admin] how's it going?

Hey there, guys!

How are your [info]het_challenge assignments going? Do you need to drop any requests you took? Do you want to pick up any that you didn't? I'm planning to offer up the unclaimed prompts to interested parties in a few days -- probably on Wednesday night, April 23.

Comments to this post are screened -- please comment here if:

a) you want to change the assignments you accepted, either to add or to drop.

b) you want to be on the mailing list for the unclaimed prompts (you can do this whether or not you signed up). make sure you leave me an email address!

Good luck with your pieces!

Apr. 17th, 2008


"Time Lapse," Persona 3, Mitsuru/Akihiko/Shinjiro

Title: Time Lapse
Author: Laylah
Fandom: Persona 3
Pairing: Mitsuru/Akihiko/Shinjiro
Rating: NC-17
Request: Persona 3—Mitsuru/Akihiko/Shinjiro. Back to the way things are supposed to be. (Please no spoilers post-August.) Reconnection, convincing/coercing Shinji—coming in from the cold (and it's so much nicer in bed). Smut would be superplus good, extra kink on top even better. Intense feeling bubbling beneath the surface.

Time Lapse )

Mar. 5th, 2008


[fic] Suikoden, Nash/Sierra, "Citation"

Dear prompter, if I had to describe this fic in one word, that word would be meandering. But it was so much fun.

Title: Citation
Author: [info]lindenleaves
Fandom: Suikoden
Pairing: Nash/Sierra
Rating: PG
Warnings: Suikogeekery, by which I mean there are some references to Suikogaiden in here, sorry. Unabashed languagekink. Complete lack of sex.
Request: something set post Suikoden III, dealing with the fact that Nash is caught between two different True Rune agendas. Harmonian political machinations, intrigue, and Nash and Sierra both at their most manipulative...


[fic] Final Fantasy IV, Kain/Barbariccia, "White Noise"

Title: White Noise
Author: Mithrigil
Fandom: Final Fantasy IV
Pairing: Kain/Barbariccia
Rating: PG, perhaps light R?
Warnings: Spoilers through Ordeals, but if you know who/what Barbariccia is, you’re probably cool. Powerplay. Xenokink.
Request: the things about her that are different and the way her power affects their relation(s)/(ship) – despite himself, he cares about her for herself, and the way that affects his headspace –

White Noise
final fantasy iv

Mithrigil Galtirglin

The fiends have their own language. )



Mar. 1st, 2008


[admin] Pinch hitters for the reversathon?

Thank you to all participants for replying to your requests! It looks like we're going to have some really cool stuff coming out of this round. ^_^

This post is a sign-up for people who are willing and able to pinch hit for this round -- that is, people who are willing to pick up unclaimed requests and make sure everyone gets covered.

If you are interested, please leave a comment in this post (comments are screened) with your name, an email address where I can contact you, a list of fandoms in which you write/draw, and any characters or pairings in those fandoms that you will not work with.

Right now I am most in need of people who can draw in Final Fantasy VII or Gundam Wing, and people who can write in Harry Potter -- but I expect that to change as the round goes on, so please feel free to offer other fandoms as well.

Thank you!

Feb. 25th, 2008


[fic] DDS2, Serph/Heat/Sera, "In the Darkness Under Scorpio".

Title: In the Darkness Under Scorpio
Author: Mithrigil
Fandom: Digital Devil Saga 2
Pairing: Serph/Heat/Sera in at least six different permutations.
Rating: Hard R
Warnings: Spoilers. Violence. Vore. Xenokink. Hermaphroditism. Dubcon. Galatea. Ephebophilia.

Request: See title.

I never find what I am looking for
And each time I return older
With my ugliness intact
But with the knowledge that if it isn’t there

In the Darkness Under Scorpio
it isn’t anywhere
digital devil saga (2)
Mithrigil Galtirglin
after Richard Sheldon

Serph's intestines sputter. )



Feb. 24th, 2008


[admin] Posting for the reversathon

Okay -- everyone should have their requests out by now. Remember, you have until March 1 (that's next Saturday) to respond to my email, and to choose which request(s) you want if you have multiples.

You may post any time you get done with your piece(s) -- the deadline is May 15, but please don't feel like you need to wait.

Cross-posting or pimping your work all over creation is fine, but please do post a copy directly into the community (not just a link to your journal) so that it'll always be here.

Please include the title, fandom, and pairing in your subject line, and use the following headers when you post:

Warnings: [if necessary; please warn for character death, rape/non-con, and shota/chan/loli-con at a minimum -- otherwise use your discretion]
Any additional headers you want to include, such as summaries, author's notes, etc.

Have fun, and good luck!

Feb. 23rd, 2008


[admin] Requests mailed!

Okay -- I got the last requests in this evening, and because I have nothing better to do with my Saturday nights, you should all have your request(s) waiting for you in your inboxes now. ^_^

If you didn't get an email from me, please check your spam filters and then let me know, and I'll try to re-send.

Hope you're happy with your requests, and good luck with the writing/drawing! :3

Feb. 20th, 2008


[admin] Reminder -- make your requests by Saturday

Hey there, guys!

Just a quick note -- you have until Saturday to get your requests made if you're participating in the reversathon. So far only four of you have made requests. ^^;

The list of participant ads is here.

The request post is here.

If you don't want to make any requests, please drop me a note in the request post to say so -- that way I won't think I'm still missing yours.


Feb. 18th, 2008


[admin] Valentine's Round Master List

Whew -- sorry about the delay there for some people, but we now have a full-length piece up for every participant (and a few people got some extras).

Participants, please, if you haven't already done so, make sure you leave a note for the maker(s) of your gift(s) to say thank you -- we've had some awesome stuff come through this round, and everyone deserves the recognition for it.

Without further ado:

the master list )


[Final Fantasy XII] [Balthier/Fran] Pirates Without A Sky

Title: Pirates Without A Sky
Author: Lassarina Aoibhell ([info]lassarina/ficjournal: [info]angharad)
Fandom and Pairing: Balthier/Fran, Final Fantasy XII
Rating: PG
Recipient: [info]w00bliette
Wordcount: 1030
Summary: They make plans while they recover.
Warnings: Spoilers for the game as a whole, and some hints and ties to FF Tactics.
Notes: I hope you enjoy this! I truly meant to post it earlier, but I made the mistake of turning on Lost Odyssey for "just a few minutes" first, and it ate my brain. Oops.

Pirates Without A Sky )


Candy and Flowers are Right Out. (Naruto, Sasuke/Sakura, Naruto/Sakura)

Title: Candy and Flowers are Right Out.
Author: Mitsuhachi
Fandom: Naruto
Pairing: Sasuke/Sakura, Naruto/Sakura
Rating: PG
Recipient: Shiegra
Summary: Sasuke is kind of a bastard, even when he doesn't intend to be. Sakura and Naruto completely fail to be surprised.
A/N: Huge apologies to my recipient for this being so late. Hopefully you'll still enjoy it.

Candy and Flowers are Right Out. )

Feb. 16th, 2008


You Can't Go Home Again (FFXII, Balthier/Fran)

Title: You Can't Go Home Again
Author: [info]puella_nerdii
Fandom: FFXII
Pairing: Balthier/Fran
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 3450
Recipient: [info]lanerose
Summary:Postgame. Balthier and Fran rob a wedding - and as happens so often with weddings, Balthier runs into a guest he'd rather not encounter.
A/N: I'm so sorry this is late. RL kicked my ass. But hopefully this still satisfies.

You Can't Go Home Again )


[admin] May reversathon - request post

Welcome to the request post for the May 2008 round of [info]het_challenge!

The master list of participant ads is here.

Participants, please take a few minutes to look over the master list, and then comment to this post with your requests. You may make up to five requests, or as few as none at all (but where's the fun in that?).
Each request must begin with the number of the ad to which it is addressed, and should also include fandom, pairing, and the details of your request (in the details, please make sure you include anything you really do or really do not want to see -- including sex scenes, if that's important to you). If you are requesting from someone who both writes and draws, you are welcome to note which medium you would prefer. Example:
#0 - Final Fantasy 7 - Rude/Tifa - Valentine's Day, and neither one of them wants to spend it alone. Smut not necessary, but I'd like it if you could at least get them kissing. No Cloud-bashing, please!
#00 - Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Buffy/Spike - She wants to kick ass; he wants to cuddle. Some demon-fighting action would be really awesome.

Please do not address the same request to multiple ads; you are welcome to request the same pairing, but please tailor the request details to the individual participants.
You may make up to two requests of any one participant, but be aware that you will have better odds of getting multiple requests claimed if you spread them out.
Any requests that blatantly do not fit the information in the target ad (e.g., fandom not offered, requesting a listed squick) will be discarded.

If you don't intend to request anything, please leave a comment here just for my records, so I know that you chose not to request instead of just forgetting. ^^
Only participants may make requests.

Comments to this post are screened; requests will be accepted until February 23.


[admin] May Reversathon -- participant ads

Okay -- we still have a few more pieces coming in for the Valentine round, but I promised the ads would go up for May today, so here they are.

Participants: if you see something that looks wrong in your ad, please leave me a comment here (screened) and I'll fix it for you.

this is not the post where you make your requests; that is here.

Participant ads, 1-16, in no particular order )


Taxes and Cherry Blossoms (Saiunkoku Mono., Shuurei/Ryuuren)

Title: Taxes and Cherry Blossoms
Author/Artist: [info]lanerose
Fandom: Saiunkoku Monogatari
Pairing: Shuurei / Ran Ryuuren
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Recipient: [info]mitsuhachi
Author's Note: Sorry it's so late~!!! Hope you like!
Summary: Shuurei works too hard.

Taxes and Cherry Blossoms )

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October 2008



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