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Jan. 27th, 2008


Digital Devil Saga -- Heat/Sera -- Lobotomy

Title: Lobotomy
Author/Artist: [info]mithrigil
Fandom: Digital Devil Saga (and 2)
Pairing: Heat/Sera, Angel/Heat, O'Brien/Sera
Rating: R
Warnings: Spoilers. Semi-explicit Ephebophilia. Angel. The canon.
Recipient: [info]puella_nerdii

Puel, you are awesome.

Surely a predator like you can sense that. )


Jan. 24th, 2008


[admin] Three weeks and counting~

Hey there, guys!

As of today, January 24, we are three weeks out from the deadline (Valentine's Day) for this round. How's everyone doing? Started yet? ...Have an idea?

This is just a quick reminder so nobody forgets the deadline's coming up -- and so I can ask you to please tell me as soon as possible if it turns out you'll need to drop out. The sooner I know, the more easily I can find a pinch hitter. ^^;

Thank you also to [info]kaycee and [info]elanor_pam, who have posted early! (Recipients, please make sure you comment on the pieces produced for you.)

Probably this weekend or next week sometime we'll start talking about the plans for the next round. New fandoms mean I can't wait. ^_^

Jan. 22nd, 2008


FIC: Harry Potter - Under Glass - Neville/Luna - PG

Title: Under Glass
Author: [info]kaycee
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Neville/Luna (mention of Ron/Hermione)
Rating: PG
Word Count: 2150
Warnings: AU-ish (not DH compliant), Angst, mention of character death (not Luna or Neville).
Recipient: [info]puella_nerdii. This one turned out a bit sadder/angstier than originally planned, but I hope you'll like it anyway.
Disclaimer: The Potterverse is JKR's, not mine.

Under Glass )


Final Fantasy VII - Mission Acomplished (Tseng/Elena) art

Title: Mission Acomplished
Author/Artist: [info]elanor_pam
Recipient: [info]yrena
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Pairing: Tseng/Elena
Rating: PG
Warnings: Impossibly-shaped explosion
Prompt: "I very much like the drama, bittersweet romances and unrequited love. Starry scenes and scenes at sea or on airships are also very much love." I went with the starry scene at the sea.
Additional Notes: My favorite part of the drawing has got to be Elena's dress.

Dec. 1st, 2007


Good news!

The Valentine's round will be happening!

I need to arrange all the match-ups -- this is the part that's like one of those logic puzzles, where A can't sit next to B and C needs a seat at the end of the table and F won't eat anything with hazelnuts in it. Except with fandoms. But I should be able to send out assignments tonight or tomorrow.

In the meantime, here's a quick FAQ for the getting-my-assignment phase.

Q: What if... )

Nov. 26th, 2007


Het Challenge Needs You~

The sign-up period for this round of Het Challenge is supposed to end this Friday, November 30, and as of right now we do not have enough participants to make the challenge work out.

If you're thinking of signing up and have been putting it off, please make some time soon to get your signup done -- the sign-up post is here. If you have friends who might be interested, let them know, too. If you are a member of any asylums where it would be appropriate and where it would be okay to advertise (ask the mods if you're not sure whether it's okay), then please pimp the challenge there (link people to this post).

In short: if you want to make sure your fandoms are well-represented, please help out by letting other people in your fandoms know about us! We need more people to play for me to be able to match everyone who's signed up so far.

...also, if you're already signed up and you'd like to add to your current list to be able to offer more of the requested fandoms, please feel free! Anything that'll make it easier for me to match people up would be awesome. (You can review your signup here.)

Current offers:
offers )

Current requests:
requests )

Nov. 11th, 2007


Het Challenge Valentine's Sign Up Post

- Before you sign up, make sure you read the rules here -

Sign up here (comments are screened). A few things to note:

- Please give me an email address that you check regularly, since it's the way that I will contact you regarding your assignment.

- When listing characters, please list the characters' actual names rather than pairing titles or name-smooshes, to make it easier for me to figure out who matches with whom.

- If you're offering a fandom like Naruto or Harry Potter that has a really large cast, and you're only interested in writing/drawing a small subset of characters, then please feel free to list what you will do rather than what you won't -- just make sure it's clear that you're doing so (e.g., "will write Bellatrix/Death Eaters only").

- You are required to offer at least three fandoms, but if you feel comfortable offering more than that, please feel free!

- When you're providing details, please remember that specific prompt-responses cannot be guaranteed. Your gifter should make a good-faith effort but might not be able to give you exactly what you want if you ask for something specific. Consider suggesting some general themes and genres you like to see -- and remember, also, that you could be matched with either an artist or a writer, so try to leave suggestions that could be useful for either.

Your name:
Your email:
Whether you write, draw, or both:
Whether you write/draw sex scenes:
Whether you would be willing to pinch-hit:
Your Offerings:
First fandom:
Any characters/pairings you won't do:
Second fandom:
Any characters/pairings you won't do:
Third fandom:
Any characters/pairings you won't do:
[please feel free to list additional fandoms!]
Your Requests:
First fandom:
Up to six pairings you'd like to see:
Second fandom:
Up to six pairings you'd like to see:
Third fandom:
Up to six pairings you'd like to see:
Would you like a holiday-themed gift?:
Additional details for your gifter to consider:


Be My Het Challenge Valentine~

Welcome to the first 2008(!) round of Het Challenge. This round will run as a gift exchange, with gifts due on Valentine's Day -- February 14, 2008.

The schedule looks like this:
now-November 30: sign-ups open
weekend of December 1-2: match-ups made, assignments emailed
January 20: last day to drop out without penalty
February 14: all fic and art due

full batch o' rules )

Questions? Please ask!

No questions, all set to go? Head over to the sign up post. ^_^

Next 20

October 2008



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