July 6th, 2008

[info]laylah in [info]het_challenge

[admin] September Promptbuilding Challenge go!

Okay, here we go! We have almost 100 pairings to choose from, and almost 100 different prompts -- with any luck, there'll be something in here that you can mix and match to create a piece of art or a story of at least 500 words. ^^

You may match your pairing up with one prompt from the complete table OR, if you want a little extra challenge, you may choose one prompt EACH from Set A on the left and Set B on the right.

To make a claim, comment with which pairing and which prompt(s) you want. You may have up to three claims at any time (but you may come back for more once you've finished your first ones, if you want them). This round will run through September 30.

Have fun!

the pairings )

and the prompts )