October 18th, 2007

[info]elanor_pam in [info]het_challenge

Final Fantasy VII - Lolita Fatale (Cloud/Tifa) fic + art

Title: Lolita Fatale
Author/Artist: [info]elanor_pam
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Pairing: Cloud/Tifa (implied Cloud/Tifa/Aeris)
Rating: R
Warnings: AU-ish. Not worksafe for voyeurism, horny Tifa, violent horny cannon foder and the Nail Bat.
Prompt: Crossdressing: A has to crossdress for a mission/adventure -- possibly at B's suggestion (or C in this case)
Additional Notes: I could swear the challenge deadline was in December, and thought I was totally in time... in any case, the writing has been done for a while - I just took some time with the artwork, and you can tell some are rushed :/ Hope it's enjoyable - I've never forayed into R-rated territory before. Also, I'm using a fake cut to my own journal for organizational purposes (it there's any problem, just tell and I'll post it here).

( Lolita Fatale )