October 14th, 2007

[info]sheffiesharpe in [info]het_challenge

"Tango" (Final Fantasy XII, Vossler/Fran)

Author: [info]sheffiesharpe
Title: Tango
Fandom: Final Fantasy XII
Pairing: Vossler/Fran
Rating: PG
Length: 1720 words
Warnings: Probably grave disservice to tango.
Prompt: Fancy dress date
A/N: From one of those Everybody Lives AUs. Inspiration found here.

Vossler knows he's stuck with it again. )

[info]laylah in [info]het_challenge

"Squire" (Final Fantasy XII, Basch/Ashe)

Author: [info]laylah
Title: Squire
Fandom: Final Fantasy XII
Pairing: Basch/Ashe
Rating: R
Warnings: Het pairing; queer sex. End-game spoilers.
Summary: "I feel ridiculous," Ashe says. "Like a child playing at pirates." Her voice is muffled, the complaint in it more wry than sincere.

Squire )