Posts Tagged: 'lydia+martin'

Oct. 1st, 2013



[No Subject]

Who: Sookie Stackhouse & Open
When: Monday evening
Where: Exploring LA
What: One faerie's voyage into the unknown.
Rating: TBD (possible language)
Status: Open/On-going

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ )

Sep. 22nd, 2013



[No Subject]

characters: buffy, stiles, and lydia
setting: streets, after stiles and lydia decide to try and bus home
summary: buffy follows stiles and lydia, and it's a very good thing that she does
rating/warnings: pg-13, mild violence
status: in progress | open [poke one of us before jumping in]

It seemed like Buffy was on her own for now, and she was trying to warn people but they wouldn't listen. )