Helga's Hill: A Harry Potter Murder Mystery OOC's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Helga's Hill: A Harry Potter Murder Mystery OOC

have a nice day
don't get killed
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[07 May 2013|09:23am]
Hello folks!

The post for Zach's shindig is up here. Feel free to tag in with any of your invitees and talk among yourselves. If you want to talk to Zach, Ernie, Terence, Mayor Smith - or even Sepphora, I guess - leave me a tag and I'll tag back when I get a chance. No need to ask.
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[07 May 2013|11:10pm]
Hi all,
Just a head's up that I will be on quasi-hiatus from this Thursday the 9th until next Tuesday the 14th. (Heading home to SC for a mini-vacation.) I'll still have internet access, I just won't be parked in front of a computer 24/7 as usual. I'll probably still be checking my email/the game way too often, but if there's anything you want me to make sure I don't miss please feel free to email me at mbmargarita (at) gmail.
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