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Apr. 20th, 2008


The Last Voice - Team Epilogue

Title: The Last Voice
Team: Team Epilogue
Author: [info]malachic
Prompt: The Lovers
Wordcount: About 5,900
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Infidelity, cheating, angst
Summary: Who knew a single letter could change so much?
Author's Note: Hugs to Team Epilogue, especially N and L, without which this fic would be considerably worse. Interpretation of card is literal and tarot.
Disclaimer: Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy and all associated characters from the Harry Potter universe are the property of J.K. Rowling and those to whom she has licensed her creations, including without limitation Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books, Raincoat Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No copyright infringement is intended. The author is making no profit from this story.

The Last Voice )

Apr. 16th, 2008


Black's Blood Curse -- Team EWE

Title: Black's Blood Curse
Team: EWE
Author: [info]rickey_a
Prompt: The Empress
Wordcount: 9100ish
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None
Summary: Teddy Lupin is gravely ill, and only the blood of the closest living Black male relative can save him.
Author's Note Thank you team EWE!

Black's Blood Curse )

Apr. 13th, 2008


Toast for Two - Team Fanon

Title: Toast for Two
Team: Fanon
Author: [info]dracofiend
Prompt: The Hierophant
Wordcount: 8152
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Harry is tired of eating toast for two.
Author's Note: Thanks to my terrific Team Fanon, and to my littlest p. ♥

Toast for Two )


Best Interests - Team EWE

Title: Best Interests
Team: EWE
Author: [info]pikkalam_sri
Prompt: The Hierophant
Wordcount: ~ 10,000
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None
Summary: Andromeda's death leaves Harry to take care of little Teddy Lupin. What will he do when Draco Malfoy comes looking for an heir?
Disclaimer: All characters and settings are the intellectual property of J.K. Rowling.
Author's Note: The Hierophant: Upright = tradition, ritual/routine, religious authority, formal education. Reversed = poor counsel, slander, unconventionality, rejection of family values. Many thanks to JL for acting as my beta.

Best Interests )


Time For Later - Team Canon

Title: Time For Later
Team: Canon
Author: [info]khateh
Prompt: The Hierophant
Wordcount: 15.500
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: none
Summary: When he goes with Al to Egypt on holiday, Harry finds more than he ever expected and learns that people change, sometimes for the better.
Author's Note: You know how to solve your problem, the Hierophant says; it is not easy, not a quick fix, but it is do-able.

A big thank you to my betas.

Time For Later )

Apr. 6th, 2008


Should the Sky Fall - Team Fanon

Title: Should the Sky Fall
Team: Fanon
Author: [info]brixxx
Prompt: Justice
Wordcount: 16,377
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Character death. Ignores DH completely.
Summary: Draco finds himself a rather unwilling hero when a spell gives him the chance to change the course of the war.
Author's Note Based on the interpretation that justice is about cold, objective balance. Thanks to my beta for the hard work, and thanks to the cheerful Team Fanon!

Should the Sky Fall )

Apr. 1st, 2008


Riptide -- Team Epilogue

Title: Riptide
Team: Epilogue
Author: [info]annafugazzi
Prompt: The Fool
Wordcount: 19,244
Rating: PG13-ish
Warnings: Infidelity, but hey, it's Team Epilogue, what do you expect?
Summary: (With apologies to George Lucas) "Who's the more foolish: the fool, or the fool who follows him?"
Author's Note Thanks so much to J, L, S, and V for extensive beta and Britpick and encouragement and sometimes, entire passages ;)

Riptide )

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May 2009



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