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Apr. 5th, 2008


Art: Tying the Knot (Team Fanon)

Title: Tying the Knot
Team: Fanon
Artist: [info]artisticentropy
Prompt: The Suit of Cups
Rating: PG - ish for kissing?
Warnings: nothing the pairing doesn't cover
Summary: Magical creature bonding, playing with the hand-fasting and wedding cup traditions
Artist's Note: Many thanks to my wonderful team for their support and suggestions! "This Suit governs emotions and embodies romance, love and changeability"

Tying the Knot )

Apr. 3rd, 2008


What Could Have Been (And What Was) -- Team Fanon

Title: What Could Have Been (And What Was)
Team: Fanon
Author: [info]amanuensis1
Prompt: Judgment
Wordcount: Just under 7,000 (MS Word says 6826 without the headers)
Rating: R
Warnings: Infidelity
Summary: Neither epilogue-compliant nor EWE; seven separate demonstrations that you can't stop the signal.
Author’s Note: The prompt for this story was the tarot card Judgment, whose meanings include rebirth, resurrection, changes and improvements, decisions that change the pattern of life for the better.

What Could Have Been (And What Was) )

Apr. 1st, 2008


Prodigal -- Team Fanon

Title: Prodigal
Team: Fanon
Author: [info]aoifene
Prompt: The Fool
Wordcount: 13,326
Rating: NC-17 for graphic violence and language
Warnings: AU. First Person POV. Draco-centric. Set after HBP. Not DH Compliant.
Summary: One year after Dumbledore's death, the tide turns in Voldemort's favour and with Harry Potter locked in the Malfoy dungeons, the fate of the Wizarding World seems bleak. Who'll save the saviour when he's in need of saving?
Author's Note: Many thanks to my A.C.E. betas and Team Fanon! Based on the literal and figurative meaning of the card, centred on the themes of blind faith, innocence and beginnings.

Prodigal )

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May 2009



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