April 14th, 2009

[info]hdcup_mod in [info]hd_worldcup

Team AU: 23. A snitch in time saves nine hours of Quidditch.

Title: Enchantment; Loss
Team: AU
Author: [info]dracofiend
Prompt: 23. A snitch in time saves nine hours of Quidditch.
Wordcount: 11,589
Rating: R
Warnings:Implied chan.
Summary: Harry wishes for one thing only.
Author's Note: Mad props to my teammates, especially Captains Joanwilder and Samantha!

Enchantment; Loss )

[info]hdcup_mod in [info]hd_worldcup

Team Epilogue: 23. A snitch in time saves nine hours of Quidditch.

Title: How To Catch A Snitch
Team: Epilogue
Artist: [info]harrysde
Prompt: 23. A snitch in time saves nine hours of Quidditch.
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Infidelity
Summary: After the Ministry hosts a Quidditch match for its employees, Harry begins to question his engagement to Ginny. (Occurs between Deathly Hallows and the epilogue)
Artist's Note: Never let me make a comic this size in this amount of time ever again. I apologize for the variation in quality of the drawings.

How To Catch A Snitch )

[info]hdcup_mod in [info]hd_worldcup

Team EWE: 23. A snitch in time saves nine hours of Quidditch.

Title: The Game of Time
Team: EWE
Author: [info]allopen
Prompt: 23. A snitch in time saves nine hours of Quidditch.
Wordcount: 4,500
Rating: PG
Warnings: Minor character death.
Summary: If he could only change ONE thing...
Author's Note: A snitch in time: An informer from a different time. Muggle saying - stitch in time saves nine: A little preventive maintenance can eliminate the need for major repairs later

Thanks to Sue ([info]jamie2109) for the beta. I hope you guys enjoy this.

The Game of Time )

May 2009

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