April 7th, 2009

[info]hdcup_mod in [info]hd_worldcup

Team AU: 10. Well, you just let the kneazle out of the bag.

Title: Harry's Pockets
Team: AU
Author: [info]joanwilder
Prompt: 10. Well, you just let the kneazle out of the bag.
Wordcount: 29,300
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: None.
Summary: Clowns are downright creepy, Harry's always thought, so when he and Luna hire one to work in their Party Props shop, he prepares for the worst.
Author's Note: My gratitude to my teammates for the wonderful community experience that was Team AU. And many thanks to [info]jadzialove, beta and friend extraordinaire.

Harry's Pockets )

[info]hdcup_mod in [info]hd_worldcup

Team Epilogue: 10. Well, you just let the kneazle out of the bag.

Title: Some Secrets Are Best Kept
Team: Epilogue
Author: [info]curia_regis
Prompt: 10. Well, you just let the kneazle out of the bag.
Wordcount: ~9500
Rating: R
Warnings: Infidelity, voyeurism.
Summary: Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy were enemies. Everybody accepted this as fact until Elias Skeeter revealed the truth.
Author's Note: Thank you to [info]emerald_dragon8 for the awesomely quick beta. A special thanks to everybody in Team Epilogue for their support. And last but not least, ♥ to the mods for their brilliant hard work.

Some Secrets Are Best Kept )

[info]hdcup_mod in [info]hd_worldcup

Team EWE: 10. Well, you just let the kneazle out of the bag.

Title: Curiosity Killed The...
Team: EWE
Artist: [info]katerina_black
Prompt: 10. Well, you just let the kneazle out of the bag.
Rating: PG
Warnings: Um, wall kiss?
Summary: Ron and Hermione will likely regret following Crookshanks...
Artist's Note: A huge thanks to my awesome teammates, particularly [info]chibitoaster, who talked me through the last minute frenzy. ^_^ GO TEAM SHEEP!

Curiosity Killed The... )

May 2009

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