Hawaii Five-Oh No Net

January 2015



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November 15th, 2014



[No Subject]


[No Subject]

Yeah, me and islands? Not a good combination.



[No Subject]

Somebody might want to start explaining.



[No Subject]

Leftenant? A little help, if you please. It appears something has gone awry.



[No Subject]

I'm...I'm not sure what just happened.

Thomas? Harry? Anyone?

I am on a beach, and I don't know why. I don't like it. I mean, I like the beach, sure. But not the part where I shouldn't be on a beach because there are no beaches in Chicago.

Harry, what have you done?



[No Subject]

The fuckin' hell?

Am I dead?



[No Subject]

Mind games now? Not cool.



[No Subject]

That was...weird.

What the hell?



[No Subject]

Well now that I'm not panicking, this is kind of nice.



[No Subject]

I've woken up in worse places.



[No Subject]

This is not where I'm supposed to be.



[No Subject]

Wait. What?



[No Subject]

Empty night, what did you get me into Harry? Last thing I remember was being carried to Aurora, and now I hurt everywhere and am on a beach. Beach is not good for opens wounds, whoever brought me here.



[No Subject]

This isn't really what I meant by downtime.

And I'd appreciate some answers.



[No Subject]

I went to bed after my birthday party and woke up in Hawaii. Normally that wouldn't be a bad thing but I open on Broadway in two weeks so how do I get out of here?



[No Subject]

This place is fairly nice and one of my brothers is even here even if he doesn't really believe me, it could be worse.

I am still working on learning modern day technology. A lot has changed after 1,000 years of being dead.



[No Subject]

I can run fast but I'm pretty sure I can't run on water. Why am I in Hawaii? Anybody I know here?



[No Subject]

I've been having some... really weird dreams lately. I'm a big fan of history, but dreaming that I was a part of it is going a bit far.



[No Subject]

An Original is going to be extremely pissed off if I'm not returned to New Orleans immediately.



[No Subject]

How did I get here? Alex, are you here? If you are, please tell me that Moira is with you. Katya is with me and we're fine. They put us in [hotel].



[No Subject]

Okay, I don't know what the hell is going on here, but my boyfriend is Captain America so you should definitely send me back home or else he and his friends are going to come and beat your asses!



[No Subject]

This is not my happy place.



[No Subject]

It's great not being on Barbie and Skipper's drug lord leash anymore. All I've been doing lately is hanging out and eating a fuckton of Shave Ice. Have you all tried Shave Ice? If you compare it to a sno-cone you're dead to me.



[No Subject]

I don't remember coming to Hawaii.

Eliot? Hardison? Nate? Sophie?



[No Subject]

.........hmmm. Not where I went to bed last night, but close.

Howzit? I'm Dan Williams. What's going on here, then?



[No Subject]

Toto, I don't think we're in Jersey anymore.