Hawaii Five-Oh No Net

January 2015



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November 10th, 2014



[No Subject]

Sam? Dean?

I'm on a beach.

This isn't intentional.



accidental voice post

What is this place? Hello? This thing is strange.

Robin? Are you out there? Can you hear me?



[No Subject]

After actually getting some sleep, I have realized that this place still doesn't make sense.



[No Subject]

This morning we've arranged a meeting between us, Governor Denning and any of you that might want to help us investigate what got you all here and maintaining order, helping with new arrivals, etc.

So if you want to come, just meet us at The Palace [address]. Anyone who thinks they can help is welcome.



[No Subject]

Well...this is definitely not Singapore....



[No Subject]

In case anyone on here isn't aware, we're setting you all up in a couple of different hotels until we can figure out how to get you home or, worst case, house more permanently.

If you need help finding accommodations, just give a holler. I'm overseeing that aspect of the project.



[No Subject]

So kidnapped and my club, the whole building kidnapped as well?

Right. Need to wake up now, things to do.



[No Subject]

What the hell is a Buy More?



[No Subject]

I'm pretty sure I didn't win an all expenses paid trip to Hawaii. I think I'd remember that...



[No Subject]

...this is so not Dragon Towers.

Okay, someone start talking before I start arresting people.



[No Subject]

Whoa. Am I overdressed or what? Tossing out an SOS before this phone dies on me.



[No Subject]


So how was your night?



[No Subject]

[Attempted Text Post.]
ill never get used to these bloody thi

[Voice Post.]

Swan? Henry?? Why....am I on an island? And where are you? And why in the buggering hell isn't my ship here???



[No Subject]

I'm so exhausted.