Welcome to Havenwood!


This is the thread and log comm for [info]havenwood. Feel free to peruse the threads to the left or explore the community at large using the links below in the sidebar.

Members, for your convenience we've provided a thread template for you to use when posting logs and threads to the comm:

<b>WHO</b> Character Name <b>OT</b> Character
<b>WHAT</b> Brief summary
<b>WHERE</b> Where does the log/thread take place?
<b>WHEN</b> When does the log/thread take place? A day, date, and time is needed

<div style="margin:0px auto; max-width:900px; text-align:justify;">2 - 3 PARAGRAPHS OF LOG/SCENE/THREAD CONTENT

<lj-cut>REST OF LOG/SCENE/THREAD CONTENT</lj-cut></div>


We are currently playing in the month of June, 2017. Members, please make sure to date all threads, logs, and narratives accordingly. When you're ready to move on, please let us know by leaving a comment in the Members Dropbox.

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Posts Tagged: 'character:+william+hughes'

Oct. 10th, 2019



Untitled Scene

WHO Diana von Klimburg OT William Hughes
WHAT Two old friends meet again
WHERE Obscura Books
WHEN Thursday, May 18th, 2017 (9:50 PM)

It was just approaching closing time when he and the single employee he kept at this hour had finished informing the few patrons left that they'd be closing in ten minutes. William was anxious to get the shop closed and cleaned so that he could head over to Eden and take the edge off that the bagged blood he obtained did not always do. Pulling the pocketwatch from his waistcoat pocket, he glanced at the time once again, a flash of annoyance shooting across his face because only a minute had passed since his return to the front, making it 9:50.

The vampire forced himself to suppress a sigh when the door hit the bell that hung over it, signaling the arrival of another customer. Yet, despite his ability to keep from sighing, William was unable to keep his irritation out of his voice.

"Good evening, madam," William could tell the patron was female from the sound of her footfalls, "Obscura will be closing in..." Read more... )

Jan. 31st, 2016



Caution: Live Wire

WHO Mallory Maxwell OT William Hughes
WHAT Stranded during the storm
WHERE William's Residence
WHEN Tuesday, August 11, 2015 around 10 AM (backdated)

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