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This is the thread and log comm for [info]havenwood. Feel free to peruse the threads to the left or explore the community at large using the links below in the sidebar.

Members, for your convenience we've provided a thread template for you to use when posting logs and threads to the comm:

<b>WHO</b> Character Name <b>OT</b> Character
<b>WHAT</b> Brief summary
<b>WHERE</b> Where does the log/thread take place?
<b>WHEN</b> When does the log/thread take place? A day, date, and time is needed

<div style="margin:0px auto; max-width:900px; text-align:justify;">2 - 3 PARAGRAPHS OF LOG/SCENE/THREAD CONTENT

<lj-cut>REST OF LOG/SCENE/THREAD CONTENT</lj-cut></div>


We are currently playing in the month of June, 2017. Members, please make sure to date all threads, logs, and narratives accordingly. When you're ready to move on, please let us know by leaving a comment in the Members Dropbox.

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Posts Tagged: 'location:+havenwood+general+hospital'

Oct. 10th, 2019



Coming Home

WHOAnya Kaminsky OT Eric Payne
WHAT Anya's reunited with another of her errant "kids"
WHERE Havenwood General Hospital
WHEN May 18, 2017; 7:30 AM

The past few days had been something of a blur for Anya. Between keeping her scheduled shifts at the hospital and keeping Ben alive and as pain-free as possible as he recovered from whatever ordeal had brought him to Zee's door, she hadn't been sleeping much. Luckily she'd pulled enough doubles and even triples in her time to be used to surviving on coffee and power naps for a few days.

She shuffled in, stifling a yawn as she drained the last of the coffee she'd made before leaving the house as she put her things away in her locker. Then she made a beeline for the coffee maker at the nurse's station. A few of the newer nurses were standing nearby, gossipping and twittering softly among themselves. Anya just rolled her eyes with a sigh and refilled her cup, before walking a couple of steps over to Nadine, one of the other veteran nurses.

"What is this time?" Anya asked, looking back at the younger nurses. "Pretty new patient? Or does Paul have a new boyfriend again?"

"Neither, but I'm sure Paul's hoping things go his way," Nadine chuckled, shaking her head before she nodded in the direction of a small clump of doctors several feet away. "Look who decided to come back."

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Jul. 10th, 2019



Knockin' On Heavens Door

WHO Declan Ward OT Anya Kaminsky
WHAT Declan has been dealing with a ghost in his flat and gets injured.
WHERE Havenwood General (ER)
WHEN Friday, June 16th, 2017 ~3:16 PM

It had started Wednesday when renovations in the store and flat next door began. In hindsight (ha!), Declan should've known things would get progressively worse as the solstice drew closer, but more often than not the more attention you gave a spirit the more power you gave them. At least, that had been his experience. Things were always different here in Havenwood. Perhaps it was the leylines, perhaps it was the fact that the town sat near a faerie portal. Who really knew? What started out as harmless cold spots, wall scratching, and lights flickering had progressed to object displacement and then object throwing as of that afternoon when Declan had jumped into action.

He had been playfully flirting with Ms. Lautari in the shop as they were returning items to the shelves when he sensed a book careening toward them. Declan grabbed Prudence, narrowly avoiding the book but the two had crashed into the nearest bookcase as a result, disturbing it's contents; A small cauldron toppled off the top shelf, using Declan's head to cushion its fall. Suffice it to say, it appeared as if the witch would need stitches after the gifted woman had cleaned the gash on his head so off the two went to Havenwood General.

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Jan. 3rd, 2017




WHO Simon Tam OT Keegan Donahue
WHAT Chatting over break
WHERE Tea Room, Havenwood Hospital
WHEN Wednesday, September 21, 2016, 4:30pm

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Jan. 31st, 2016



It’s Quiet Uptown

WHO Morgan Alma Dex
WHAT Forgiveness
WHERE Morgue, Havenwood General Hospital
WHEN August 13, 7:00 AM
RATING PG-13 for infant mortality

Forgiveness. Can you imagine? )

Jan. 24th, 2016



Think Twice Before You Touch My Girl

WHO Cavan Rosewood, Morgan Yates, and Aurora Greenlee
WHAT Morgan and Aurora run into someone they least expect
WHERE Havenwood General Hospital
WHEN Wednesday, August 19, 2015 ~1:30PM (backdated)

come around, i'll let you feel the burn )