June 2012



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May. 23rd, 2012


Ghosts. Great. My favorite.

Knowing this place, I'm sure they're perfectly benevolent too. Excuse me while I try to find an anti-possession spell.

May. 12th, 2012


Oh my god...I wish I had never seen that. I feel like I can't breathe. I have to get out of here, now.

Apr. 23rd, 2012


Filtered; Faye and Diana

Nick's here. He wants me to come with him.

Apr. 18th, 2012


I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Nick. I wish it had been me.

Apr. 14th, 2012


What the hell is this place? If this is something Blackwell did...

Apr. 10th, 2012


I hate this place.

Mar. 30th, 2012


Did anyone else here that weird howling last night?

Mar. 28th, 2012


Filtered; Faye and Diana

Guys, what are we going to do?

Mar. 23rd, 2012


Filtered; Diana

So, you want to see if we can stop this crazy storm?

Mar. 21st, 2012


Can someone make this storm go away already? Really...looks like it's about to flood.

Mar. 16th, 2012


I hate storms.

Mar. 5th, 2012


What kind of stupid joke is this?

Mar. 4th, 2012


Private to Melissa and Diana.

Wanna make a bet on the time frame till Cassie makes this all about her?


Really, now? Can't I get a break?


There is a giant ballroom with a stage, I checked it out. Maybe we should all meet in there and introduce ourselves, see if we have anything in common. So far it seems like we all received a letter and then we ended up here.

The more we know, the easier it will be to figure this out and when we do that, maybe we can find a way home. Like anyone is going to listen to a teenager, the circle doesn't even listen to me most of the time.

And if we are going to be stuck here for any duration of time, someone is going to have to step up and be leader. And that's not going to be me, no one would take me seriously. I just want to help get everyone back where they belong.

Mar. 3rd, 2012


I'm not amused. I don't know what witch hunter or witch could pull this off, but I am not amused.

I think that butler checked out my ass, ew.


Can't say I'm much amused by this. Another trick, Esther?

Mar. 2nd, 2012


Now this is different. In an exciting and super weird way.


How did this happen? I just read the invitation. There was a knock and then nothing. I wasn't even with the circle! There is no way I could do magic without them.

Diana? Faye?