June 2012



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Apr. 24th, 2012


No, John Cutter cannot be here. Stay away! No plane to throw me out of this time! I swear, spoil my plans and you will be the one to die Great, now Douglas, I hear his voice asking me about my family No more sneaking up on me, Cutter. I demand it.

I did not like this place so much as a second chance at life and doing as I please, but now I have come to loathe it. This is not normal or right.

Mar. 14th, 2012


Ahh, stormy weather. Never encountered any of those at all Right, this device can't convey sarcasm successfully It will pass. Eventually. I would suggest we remain calm, stay indoors, and keep sheltered as best we can.

Mar. 3rd, 2012


Well, well... this is quite the predicament.

Mar. 4th, 2012


After I heard about what Ms. Udinov attempted to do, I tried a more indirect approach to escape. I tried to see if I could climb the wall....

I wouldn't recommend it. Once I find out who put me here, I'm putting a hit order on them.


There is a giant ballroom with a stage, I checked it out. Maybe we should all meet in there and introduce ourselves, see if we have anything in common. So far it seems like we all received a letter and then we ended up here.

The more we know, the easier it will be to figure this out and when we do that, maybe we can find a way home. Like anyone is going to listen to a teenager, the circle doesn't even listen to me most of the time.

And if we are going to be stuck here for any duration of time, someone is going to have to step up and be leader. And that's not going to be me, no one would take me seriously. I just want to help get everyone back where they belong.


I really need to learn to lay off the firewhiskey. That, or You Know Who has gotten really good at disguising portkeys.

'Mione? Harry? Anyone?

Mar. 3rd, 2012


Has anyone else tried to leave? I got as far as the main gate and I was thrown backwards by some kind of invisible force. What the hell is going on here? Where is that Butler, he needs to start answering questions right now!


You lose once again, Mr. Cutter. It would appear that I have a second chance at life, and let me assure you, I will take full advantage of it this time around.

And there is to be a party event? I look forward to the occasion. It is not often that I've been to one.