Mar. 6th, 2010


Prompt #73: Smell Title: Where There's Smoke There's Fire...

Title: Where There's Smoke There's Fire...
Author: [info]hpfangirl71
PG 13
Pairing: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy 
Summary:Draco tries to cook
Word Count: 100 x 2
Challenge: Prompt #73: Smell
Warnings: Slash Pairing, Suggestion of Sex, Slight Muggle Bashing, and One Derisive Swear Word.
A/N: Draco tries to cook... enough said!! LOL Not sure about the last line but hope its enjoyable anyways!!
Beta: None... all mistakes are of my own doing
Disclaimer: All characters belong to the genius of JK Rowling. I only borrow them in the hopes of entertaining myself and others.

Mar. 3rd, 2010



Title: Intoxicated
Author/Artist: [info]alisanne
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Severus Snape/Harry Potter
Challenge: Written for [info]harry10o's prompt #73: The Five Senses - Smell
Rating: PG
Length: 100 x 3
Warnings: None
Summary: Severus smells a rat.
Beta: [info]sevfan
Notes: This is part four in my Snarry Senses Series. *g* Part one was Sudden Perception, part two was Visitation and part three was Full Flavour.
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.



Smells Good (4th of the five senses for [info]harry100)

Title: Smells Good
Author: [info]fancypantsdylan
Pairing: pre-slash Harry/Severus
Word Count: 200
Rating: PG-13
Beta: [info]katiebell_0408
Disclaimer: All characters owned by JK Rowling, I just play with them. No profit made on use of characters.
Challenge: [info]harry100 Challenge Prompt 73 - Smell

( Smells Good )

Mar. 1st, 2010


Five Senses - Challenge Prompt #73

Monday again and time for a new prompt! We're in our fourth week of the five senses theme, so we'll be moving on to...

Theme: Five Senses
Challenge Prompt #73: Smell

Special thanks to everyone who participated in last week's prompt, Taste! You can find all of those posts here or catch up on everything to do with the Five Senses theme here. If you find something you like, don't forget to leave a little comment love.

If you haven't been around in a few weeks, you can find an intro post to our theme here. All of our prompts are open-ended so it's never to late to join in.

Thanks, and have fun!

November 2022




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