Feb. 7th, 2010


Carry On

Title: Carry On
Character/Pairing: Harry/Severus
Challenge: #69: Experiment
Rating: PG
Length: 100
Warnings: None
Summary: Harry reaps the rewards of Severus's experiments.
Notes: Unbeta-ed

Feb. 5th, 2010


A Success

Title: A Success
Author/Artist: [info]alisanne
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Severus Snape/Harry Potter
Challenge: Written for [info]harry100's prompt #69: Experiment
Rating: PG
Length: 100
Warnings(if applicable):
Summary: Severus conducts a successful experiment.
Beta: [info]sevfan
Notes: Sadly, I didn't manage to incorporate the prompt number. Still, something tells me the boys took care of that later. ;)
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

A Success



Title: Experiments
Author: [info]lilyseyes
Characters: Harry Potter/Severus Snape
Challenge: [info]harry100 #69: Experiment
Rating: NC-17
Length: 100x4
Warnings: *AU, sixty-nine, chan – Harry is 14, set during GOF*
Summary: Harry doesn't mind some experiments.
The Erastes Series.
Disclaimer: JKR owns the Potterverse – I just play in it. No money is made from these amateur works.


Feb. 4th, 2010


Challenge #69: Experiment Title: The Muggle Way

<b>Title:</b> The Muggle Way
<b>Author/Artist:</b> [info]hpfangirl71
<b>Character(s)/Pairing(s):</b> Harry/Draco
<b>Challenge(optional):</b> Challenge #69: Experiment
<b>Rating:</b> NC 17
<b>Length(if fic):</b> 100 x 2
<b>Warnings(if applicable):</b> Explicit Sexual Situation, A bit of Derisive Language, Misuse of Wandless Magic, Slash Pairing.
<b>Summary(optional):</b> Harry and Draco try to improve their sex life with the use of some magic.
<b>Notes(optional):</b> This is my first posting in this community.  Hoping this came off as believable. All characters contained belong to JK Rowling herself, I just do naughty things with them to entertain myself and others. No copyright infringement intended.

Not sure why the formatting came out the way it did but not sure how to fix it, so sorry!! Hopefully next time will be better...



Title: Soixante-neuf
Author: [info]fancypantsdylan
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Word Count: 2 x 100
Rating: R
Beta: none, all mistakes are mine
Disclaimer: All characters owned by JK Rowling, I just play with them. No profit made on use of characters.
Challenge: [info]harry100 Challenge Prompt 69 – Experiment
A/N: I’ve been fiddling with this since the challenge was posted, not sure if it works or if I’m just having delusions, but here’s my entry for this weeks challenge – Harry wants to experiment

( Soixante-neuf )

Feb. 1st, 2010


Challenge Prompt #69

New prompt time!

Challenge Prompt #69: Experiment

And if you want to let the prompt number inspire you as well, your mod wouldn't complain. ;)

Last week we had some great drabbles for the prompt, "I like a quiet life, you know me." Check them out here and leave the authors some love!

Thanks and have fun!

November 2022




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