May. 23rd, 2008


Barren Harbors

Title: Barren Harbors
Rating: FRT
Characters: Odin Lowe, Heero
Warnings: swearing, mentions of killing as an occupation?
Time: Sometime before Heero's Episode Zero (188). Around AC 186 or so.

This is my first contribution to the GW Rewrite and I can only hope it passes muster. Inspired by Odin's episode zero comment to Heero about outer space having taken his family from him.

Follow Your Emotions )

Apr. 29th, 2008


Origins Pt 5

Origins 5: Birthday

Pair: Solo, Duo, Zechs, Noin, others

Warning: death of a child, violence, massive angst, very crappy birthdays. Un-beta'd.

Time: AC 185

Note: I realize the timing is a bit off for Zechs, but I couldn't resist. We'll pretend he's older than he actually is, yes? You can hurt me if you really, really want to.

Previous parts here.

On Solo's ninth birthday, Rose was killed in a drive-by shooting. )

Apr. 25th, 2008


Origins, pt 4

Title: Origins
Rating: FRM
Characters: Solo, Duo
Warnings: kids with guns, um... the usual.
Time: ??

Duo sat at a chipped table, his tiny legs swinging... )

1 | 2 | 3 | 4


Origins, pt 3

Title: Origins
Rating: FRM
Characters: Solo, Duo
Warnings: mentions of child prostitution (not Solo or Duo), drug running, violence, swearing, murder/death.
Time: ??

Solo had never heard his voice so cold. )

1 | 2 | 3 | 4


Origins, pt 2

Title: Origins
Rating: FRM
Characters: Solo, Duo
Warnings: references to child prostitution (only references), pedophilia within a church (sorry, it had to be done, but it's only implied), some minor swearing.
Time: ??

So you mean, like, I'm alone? )

1 | 2 | 3 | 4


Origins, pt 1

Title: Origins
Rating: FRM
Characters: Solo, Duo
Warnings: death, light angst (sort of), human trafficking (sort of), baby!Duo.
Time: ??

How can anyone not have a mama? )

1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Apr. 24th, 2008


Seek and Hide

Title: Seek and Hide
Rating: FRC
Characters: Relena, Dorothy
Time: AC 187

I'm Relena Darlian! I'm seven! Who are you? )


Hide and Seek

Title: Hide and Seek
Rating: FRC
Characters: Relena, Dorothy
Time: AC 187

I'm Relena Darlian! I'm seven! Who are you? )

Apr. 23rd, 2008


Pagan's Untold Story, pt 2

Title: Pagan's Untold Story (part 2 of 2)
Rating: FRT
Characters: Pagan, Mrs. Darlian, King Peacecraft, Queen Peacecraft, Milliardo, and Generals Khushrenada and Catalonia
Notes: Thanks to the_dw and [info]guiltyred for their help!
Time: AC 176-AC 182

Sneaking a few kisses does not merit calling me a 'tart'! )


Pagan's Untold Story, pt 1

Title: Pagan's Untold Story (part 1 of 2)
Rating: FRT
Characters: Pagan, Mrs. Darlian, King Peacecraft, Queen Peacecraft, Milliardo, and Generals Khushrenada and Catalonia
Notes: Thanks to the_dw and [info]guiltyred for their help!
Time: AC 170-AC 176

You're the only one I trust )



A Simple Job

Title: A Simple Job
Rating: FRC
Characters: Odin Lowe, Alliance soldier
Warnings: Mild curses
Time: AC 175

They felt space was a (safe) adventure )


Our Own Christmas

Title: Our Own Christmas
Rating: FRC
Characters: Dermail, Talaitha
Time: AC 162
Disclaimers: Words and music of "Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas" are by Ralph Blane and Hugh Martin.

She was just leaving before he could throw her out )


Home Is Where The Heart Is

Title: Home Is Where The Heart Is
Rating: FRC
Pairings: Dermail/Mistress, Dermail/Wife
Time: AC 150
Disclaimers: Words and music of "I'll Be Home For Christmas" are by Kim Gannon, Buck Ram, and Walter Kent.

It will be cold without you two )



Title: Talaitha
Rating: FRC
Pairing: Dermail/Mistress
Time: AC 146

So. You've returned )