Apr. 24th, 2008


Seek and Hide

Title: Seek and Hide
Rating: FRC
Characters: Relena, Dorothy
Time: AC 187

I'm Relena Darlian! I'm seven! Who are you? )


Hide and Seek

Title: Hide and Seek
Rating: FRC
Characters: Relena, Dorothy
Time: AC 187

I'm Relena Darlian! I'm seven! Who are you? )

Apr. 23rd, 2008


Pagan's Untold Story, pt 2

Title: Pagan's Untold Story (part 2 of 2)
Rating: FRT
Characters: Pagan, Mrs. Darlian, King Peacecraft, Queen Peacecraft, Milliardo, and Generals Khushrenada and Catalonia
Notes: Thanks to the_dw and [info]guiltyred for their help!
Time: AC 176-AC 182

Sneaking a few kisses does not merit calling me a 'tart'! )


Pagan's Untold Story, pt 1

Title: Pagan's Untold Story (part 1 of 2)
Rating: FRT
Characters: Pagan, Mrs. Darlian, King Peacecraft, Queen Peacecraft, Milliardo, and Generals Khushrenada and Catalonia
Notes: Thanks to the_dw and [info]guiltyred for their help!
Time: AC 170-AC 176

You're the only one I trust )
