May 2nd, 2012

[info]luckandchance in [info]grimmrealityooc

So... it totally feels as though I'm last to the party, but that's what I get for trying to write four character bios at one time!

My name is Mands and I feel sort of privileged in that I was here at the very start of the game when it was just a glimmer in our dear Mod's eye XD Very excited to get started and without further ado let me introduce my four muses:

Anastasios otherwise known as Alec: This here is my Phoenix character who is ancient given that he's lived for countless centuries. On the whole he's a pretty sociable muse with a love of people and the world in all its glories. You'd think for somebody who had lived as long as he has he'd be all jaded, but in fact he always finds things and people that surprise him and as such he never bores or tires. He's a street musician and wanderer so he doesn't really have a place of employment, but your muses will probably run into him at some point XD! He has become a bit reserved in his old age given that he's watched the people he cares about die more times than he cares to admit and that? Well, that gets depressing after a while. Not that this vow of distance keeping ever lasts that long!

Charles Blake who prefers Charlie: The one and only Grimm, not that he has any idea about that >.> He's totally in the dark about the whole thing as neither his father or uncle have seen any reason to tell him. You know aside from the fact his dad died in a "mysterious car accident" and his uncle is frequently dealing with Grimm Reapers. At the moment, Charlie is just a plain old regular EMT in the service of the NHS and living in a house with his best friend since childhood. Did I mention she happens to be Fae? No, well she is, and he has NO idea. He's really dedicated to his job and finds himself drawn to helping people and he has no idea why. All in all? The boy lives in MASSIVE ignorance, poor thing! He's a smart boy (honest!) and willing to talk to pretty much anyone even if he won't be awfully trusting at first.

Joseph Tropiano: ...How best to describe this one? He's a bad guy all round. He's heavily involved in the human and creature underworld and is in service to a demon that just so happens to be in possession of his soul. The price of love, what can I say? >.> He's a dirty dealer, a gambler, a loan shark, a criminal and murderer if he needs to be. Oddly enough he's a gentleman when women are involved and has a chilvarous nature that can be quite surprising, especially given his career choices. He's not the sort of guy you want to cross or piss off as he's highly efficient and has ways and means of making people's lives a living hell.

Julian Markum: Heh, this one is a Leprechaun and the reason I'm so amused? Is that in his natural form, he's... fat, ginger, very very badly dressed with huge ears and nose. He hates his natural form, he really does. Julian much prefers the human guise he wears on a daily basis and makes conscious choices about the attire he wears, to ensure he always looks his best. He owns and runs the store 'Trading Lives' that deals with antiques, curios and on the quiet magical artefacts XD He has the nifty ability to touch objects and see their history which makes him very good at his job and at making money ;) He's very reserved, anti-social and standoffish. Effort is required with this one.

Like I was saying, very excited to be here and can't wait to get my muses involved. More than happy to discuss potential lines, storylines, plots and other fun scene related things! I can be reached on AIM justmandshere, email or even at this very post so don't hesitate to poke me, I don't bite! Promise!

Oh yes fair warning: I'm kind of nuts, if you can't tell from the fact I have four muses!


May 2012

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